Wack Things in Taiwan 2022

I eagerly await the future news of these raccoons (eventually released by their idiot “owners”) becoming some sort of invasive species in our cities.

Before that happens, importing these animals as “pets” should be banned, like yesterday.



Key spreaders of rabies, too aren’t they?

If a bunch of these inevitably get released and start roaming around, I deifnitely wouldn’t be surprised to see an uptick in rabies cases.

And we all know they are gonna get released. A significant number of Taiwanese are absolutely dreadful pet owners…


Add that to the million and one reasons why importing these animals as “pets” is a terrible idea.



While we’re on the subject of dogs. I absolutely HATE the rural people who have an aggressive guard dog and yet have it roaming free and their gates open. No end of times one has come tear arsing out after me when I cycle past.

I get having a guard dog, fair enough. But have it locked on your fucking premises. Not roaming free snarling at anyone who cycles past.


I found this editorial about raccoons as pets and the booming “pet cafe” industry. I can see folks keeping them at rescue sanctuaries, but walking them in public and taking them to cafes? The article mentions the boom in Instagramers and their cutsey photos adding to the problem. I wonder if anything has changed since this article?

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Not sure if its really on topic, as Paul (taiwan tattoo guy) is not currently in Taiwan. But his own thread is closed. But he is Taiwan adjacent, and this indeed is whack.

"I agree. He made his mistakes in past. But, it was 4 years ago and he paid for his mistakes. As long as he is not repeating the same mistakes, people should wish the best for him. "

I really tried to like Paul but from his youtube channel its clear he has made zero effort not to be smashed out of his face 24 /7, and that when he is drunk he is a total waste of space Knob-end.

Imo it’s pretty obvious from this video that those beatings he got and all the other shit he got himself into was his own doing.


Looks like he was jealous so had to show what a big man he is.

The girl wasn’t exactly a teenager so I’m not sure what he was up to with his white knight routine.

How does he survive in the Philippines?


Fixed it for you.


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I can’t see the video. What’s he done now?

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Having to wear a mask in this heat. Fuck off.


He was drunkenly harassing an old-ish guy, a younger guy with glasses (“speccy”, “four eyes”, etc. :man_facepalming:), and a Filipino woman who looked to be in at least her 30s in a bar in the Philippines. Apparently he had an issue with the two foreign guys talking with the Filipino woman. Then the bar owner threw him out (surprisingly politely). I’ve never been his biggest fan, but in this video he was being a total knob.

I heard from a mutual friend/acquaintance recently that he’s apparently gone off the rails a bit, even for him, and needs to keep moving around in the Philippines after repeatedly pissing off the locals. Seems like he’s just trying to confront and argue with random people. Possibly not the best idea as a foreigner in the Philippines. :man_facepalming:


Did he upload the video and then later have second thoughts and take it down?

Yeah, exactly. But I think he does that pretty frequently, presumably on account of almost every video being embarrassing in retrospect. At least be still has some degree of self-awareness.


Get drunk.
Do stupid shit.
Get fucked up.
Rant on YouTube.
Get sober.
Delete video.
Rinse and repeat.


It doesn’t look great, does it. :neutral_face:


He is going to get himself disappeared if he keeps all that up.


Yep. The Philippines is not Taiwan. Dem kids got guns and shit, yo.

Yeah, that’s why I was surprised by how politely the bar owner threw him out. I seldom wish violence on people, but with his behavior in that video I was expecting him to get Cambodia-ed again (and I wouldn’t have felt much, if any, sympathy).