Wack Things in Taiwan 2024

Nahhh, China steals technology from Taiwan as well as all the stupid sheet that happens.

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OK, I’m not saying that one shouldn’t try to learn Chinese when living in Taiwan. But especially for tourists and newcomers: Why do so many Taiwanese websites have an English option that is nothing of the sort? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: 2030 is going to be interesting.


Or the website’s English part has absolutely no relationship to the Chinese. Sometimes I’ll be on the Chinese side of things and I’ll click the English button and it doesn’t show me the exact page I was just looking at, but instead takes me all the way back to the home page! Frustrating.


It can be fun tho. On a real estate page translated into English I saw a note about the land being a great place for your “hairy children.” :joy:

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That’s actually derived from the English expression “fur children.”

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Furbabies [dogs & cats]

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Don’t forget hamsters, bunnies and chinchillas.


Whew, I thought maybe…


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It’s got 'em all, baby!


New Pizza Hut creation. Basketball and hoop pizza was created to cheer on the high school basketball finals being held in Taipei.


Must-win goal pizza
A la carte $329

German sausage, American salami, mozzarella cheese, Parmesan cheese, Japanese teriyaki sauce, mayonnaise

Product introduction:
The new “Goal Pizza” uses American sausage with a basketball pattern composed of Japanese teriyaki sauce and mayonnaise. The sausage tornado crust is upgraded free of charge for a limited time. Help your favorite players gather energy and cheer for them! I wish the players victory in every game!



The desperation is sickening.

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My aunt took us travelling, and we got our first passports with her. We’d been camping for two days when she took us to get our photos.

Her logic was that you want to look like a wreck in your passport photo, so you don’t run into trouble on your way back into the country after maybe sleeping in an airport the night beforehand, or etc, etc, etc.

I still take my passport photos with some facial hair present. :man_beard:


What is the advantage to the vagabond look?

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At least those are relatively normal things to find on a pizza. Amusing design too👍

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If they’d just stopped at Parmesan cheese… :sweat_smile:


I think I am getting heartburn just reading that list. :neutral_face:


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In case you look like a vagabond during your travels.
:man_shrugging: :man_zombie:


The vagabond look is for the passport. You can choose to show up ready for prom.

Take a best case scenario. You’ve been traveling for a few weeks, you manage to make some friends, and you’re up a little late sampling the local spirits.

Take a worst case scenario. You’ve been walking for 3 or 4 days to make it to Neihu, for a one way helicopter ride out of AIT. There’s chance you may look like sh!t.

Actually, we visited Thailand for Lunar New Year last month. Stayed at a nice Marriott golf resort near the airport, the night before the return flight. We had to get up at 4:30. I had a bite of something off at dinner, which made it hard to sleep. Got off the hotel shuttle, and almost barfed just inside the terminal entrance. I looked like I felt. I certainly would not have enjoyed having my passport challenged, at any rate.

This is obviously not mandatory, more a fond regard for my aunt’s globe trotting antics


No more Hawaiian at Dominos


3 posts were split to a new topic: Death of baby of undocumented migrant workers