Wack Things in Taiwan 2025

I think the time limit is a bit strange, unnecessary for me, but I guess there’s a back story of customers abusing the space by staying for hours to drink just one cup of tea, using it as an office space like you see happen as Louisa etc

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Taiwanese restaurants and coffeeshops are getting really grabby about minimum orders and time allocations now. They will even specify everybody had to order a drink , a food item doesn’t count.

I don’t know anywhere else in the world that so many coffeeshops are asking for minimum orders from each person. As a family it can be quite annoying as I feel they are penalising me. They don’t even give me much courtesy and I’m spending 4x what other people spend on occasion.

Even big chains are doing it such as Mini.D and Caffeina in Kaohsiung. They have the rule but they selectively enforce it. I ordered a piece of cake in MiniD and they asked me to order a drink as it wasn’t over a 100 ntd, told them had already ordered earlier anyway. Was a bit annoyed.

Starbucks and Louisa they don’t carry on with this bullshit yet.


Cuz the loitering students have nowhere else to go. Don’t you find it irritating when you find no seats available?


I don’t want to be forced that every member of my family needs to buy something always or minimum for every member, that’s expensive. For instance I’m already buying 3 or 4 or 5 items they will want more. Also my kids don’t drink coffee and then they don’t have other good options, stuff like that. It’s becoming very individualized here and anti family.

They aren’t kid friendly at all and they annoy me making a money grab from me with no courtesy or good service. Their service skills in this country are usually very mediocre but at least they can serve orders quickly.

Not everywhere but so many places now. There’s a reason some places are busier than others that’s for sure.


They should de-incentivise the hangers-around somehow

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or no minimum order for the young kids


All the bread in carrefour is now under the brand nakery, what an awful name.


It’s like a bakery at a nudist colony

Good thing the locals have minimum body hair?


It’s been like that for a while at my local Carrefour (not all bread, just the ones like in your picture, but I don’t buy those). But yeah, I always found that name bizarre. :thinking:


Except in places from which you least want hair to end up in your bread…


Especially that kind of hair.

I don’t know anywhere else in the world where people would think nothing of taking an entire table for the day with their one cup of coffee! It’s been complained about on here frequently, glad some places are actually doing something about it. Do agree it should be reasonably enforced, particularly with a family with kids but the staff are not exactly highly trained, motivated or allowed individual thinking in most places so blanket rule applies.


Yes they take the piss in the opposite direction. Fortunately there are quite a lot of coffeeshops in Taiwan I guess. The independent places are going a bit NAZI though with all their rules.
You gotta sit down and read the rule book first or get it read to you by the manager.


And especially that kind of bread. Carrefour bread isn’t great, even before any naked people start shedding hair into it. :nauseated_face:


That does annoy me when I go to Louisa or whatever and every table has some dweeb having a nap or on his laptop and not eating or drinking.

But, are they really doing that at actual food restaurants–especially more high-end ones? I don’t think I’ve seen them doing it at any eatery. It’s always Louisa or Starbucks, or a fast food place.


Maccers can be full of them too!

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I’ve seen people eating outside food at McDonald’s on a hot day


200 NTD min in a chain coffeeshop. It’s a real nice place but still. And they still ask you to clean up after yourself. I don’t care what anybody else says that’s anti family and anti children.


It’s ok we’ve survived this a long time already.

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Cathay bank now has an end-of-year review in their app which assigns everyone… a flower :thinking:

Apparently, I am a beautiful blooming pearl dandelion :smiling_face:

So forget about your credit scores and credit limits, let’s share your financial flower for 2024 :whistle: