Waddlethon - Girl Streaming Her Walk Across Taiwan

OK, thanks anyway. Yeah, I didn’t see any shortcut, any control. anything at all on my browser (it’s also not the most common browser…).

EDIT: maybe you need to sign up for having such an advance feature in the video player. I’m not doing that.

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I watched a bit too. It’s enjoyable and relaxing.

Her English is near native, must have studied abroad or gone to an international school.


yeah jfc all that shit to lug around and some of the ‘men’ in this chat denigrate what she does as ‘just walking’. Gotta say her setup looks awful to have to deal with. It is never fun to have to hold something up to your face much less for hours on end.


Also, I’m not sure if the link you posted takes me to the video you were talking about. When I visit the link I see two ladies putting together a computer… is that the one?


indeed somehow pressing the share button gave me the goddamn twitch homepage. That website sucks so much ass.


here’s the link with a timestamp should drop you right before the thank you barrage

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She didnt study abroad but she has travelled to states and US and she even stayed in like a streamer guys house when she was in states. So i think that kinda changed her accent. Also she won like “best streamer award”. Thats a thing now?
Damn i am old


ALso her name is jinnytty. IDK i keep reading it as “jinny titty” . Or maybe she again know what she is doing


at the end of her intro segment she does do this part where is just her looking weird and kinda having her butt facing the camera and then says “[unintelligible] I know I’m good looking …”

Really don’t know how else to explain that intro segment ending


It just takes another like younger girl to come on twitch doing the same thing and she will lose her audience real fast so she needs to do whatever it takes to keep her market going. I mean she is already 30? i am sure she knows its not the same thing when she is 40 walking around alone in countries with a camera when there is a 23 year old doing the same wearing even more skimpy clothes


That indeed worked. Also I think I even saw a video progress bar!

I looked up tty on the Internet. I think it means “talk to you.”

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Or text telephone. Your analysis is probably correct given the assumed age of the celebrity in question.

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I guess I was mistaken. This Wikipedia page says it means teletype:

Given the above, maybe lol used to mean liminal ordinate latitude, or something similarly technical-sounding.

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Could be. I figured you young folk had another lingo. Not sure how a Korean girl in her early 20s thinks, but the guy with the titty assumption is a topic for another day. :sweat_smile: :beers:

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Thought of your posts when I saw this thread. An amazing accomplishment even without all the media hype.


Thank you, and I mean that sincerely. I try to stay young at heart. :slight_smile:


Spread the love and spirit. Keep it up. That is what our world needs now.

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That’s good advice. I’ll try to remind myself to do that.


I’m in two minds. Either that or a few nukes.


I will have to watch the walker how do I do that ?

Meantime I’m liking electric bikes more as long as we have types like
These hotties representing