Wanted - large luggage bag


Large luggage bags (for hold / checked in) for air travel

Happy to travel to collect, I’m located in Shipai.

Check the Buy Nothing group on Facebook. You might be able to get something for free if you aren’t too picky how it looks.

Just go to any of those “sell everything” stores.
They usually have some sturdy big bags (as big as my biggest luggage) with a zipper. I always use those for extra luggage.

In shipai I guess here, or the store opposite:

Actually, those thrift stores may be a good place to get cheap luggage cases. I’m assuming OP wanted something almost free, or free.

150 nt is basically free.

Hey thanks guys good ideas, was looking for something I can check in to aeroplane luggage or ship internationall.

In the UK where Im from I can buy extra large checked in luggage bags for approx 1500 ntd however here can only find similar for 6000 ntd + so trying to find cheap store.