Wanting to teach/tutor accent reduction and confidence in public speaking

I’ve been here teaching English for a year here but am hoping to transition towards something that takes advantage of my usual skill set. I moved here from LA after training and working in the performing arts for 16 years and coaching actors for a few years as well. As I’ve been teaching here I’ve noticed I love working with the students on proper pronunciation and developing the ability to express themselves better through speaking.

My question is, are there any sort of specific schools or training facilities that work with teaching accent reduction and speech clarity? A lot of my vocal training worked with muscle exercises that specifically develop certain articulation muscles in order to maximize effective communication.

Does anyone know of a place like this I could apply to? Or should I just try to freelance as a tutor?



What you do sounds interesting.

I need to ask, what’s your work permit/visa status?
I’ve got the “Taiwan Green Card” with universal work rights so, I’ve been out the game for a while. Be careful when freelancing. People have been deported just for working at another branch of the same school that was not on your work permit.
Things now, I hear have become more liberal. You can get multiple work permits for part time jobs and perhaps free lancing.
Again, it’s been a while since I had to care, but when I didn’t have my ‘special’ status it was restrictive. Our bosses drilled us on how to drop our books try to get out or pretend to be there for tea when we had to sub for other branches.
Just check your current rules to be safe.
My favorite England Based Chinese Language" musical group Transition messed up with thier work permits.
Even though they were promoting Taiwan, they got arrested and deported and even had a reentry ban for about a year.
After their ban expired, they came back the right way…