Wash Your Gym Clothes

I do miss the normal washer and dryers in the US. I don’t like scented detergents, so I add some Persil color safe sanitizer to the wash with scent free soap. Then, hang them until almost dry and then into the stupid 110v dryer for a quick toast. Towels and clothes smell fresh.
In Tainan, they have sunlight in the winter. In Taipei, clothes can mold before they dry…

What is this “sunlight” of which you speak?

Right, I forgot this was the republic of Taiwan.

Everyone smells at the gym in Europe. Europeans produce a lot of body odor. Don’t know why.

Some people produce a lot of body odor while some don’t at all even when they sweat.

It’s all the smoking and drinking (and lack of hydration). And nobody shaves their pits.

Is this why gyms smell so freaking bad here? I’ve been to two and :face_vomiting: I seriously don’t even want another membership because how bad they smell. Ridiculous paying American prices when it doesn’t even smell clean.

People that claim Asians don’t have BO crack me up. It’s fucking rank like fishy kimchi. At least American gyms generally smell like bleach and chlorine unless sauna/steam room. They have not learned proper gym etiquette yet I guess.

My gym is super clean and I never notice any smells. It isn’t a busy, crowded gym though. The cleaning guys are really good though.


Is it a franchise gym?
I was thinking about finding a hole in wall gym that no one goes to.

World gym express

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Why not these gyms?
Air outside. Hardly anyone uses them, so no waiting time.
Best of all. FREE


My world gym spelt horrible. :frowning: Maybe location thing.

I think those outdoor gyms are a great option but not what I’m personally looking for.

Same here. There a team of cleaners going around all the time keeping things spotless.

The only sore spot for me is people who piss and spit in the showers.

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Stop watching.



One doesn’t need to watch to find out that they’ve done it. Fortunately the cleaners are going around the showers pretty much non-stop.

The one at Hsintien Carrefour was dirty and smelly, but the Jing Ping location near RT Mart was spotless. It’s definitely varied.

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I just run a few minutes of scalding water first and last thing when I shower.

I find my gym/running clothes simply won’t wash clean unless they go on a boil wash. My running jacket honks from here to Land’s End.

How do you even check your washer temperature?

Mines not so much a smell issue but stains and pet hair. I sort of figured out the pet hair part lol.

Baking soda along with your regular laundry soap is all you need for clean, fresh smelling clothes. You can dump a lot of baking soda in with the clothes. It will kill any bacteria growing in your gym things. Smelly shoes too. Just put baking soda in your shoes. It’s never bothered the skin on my feet. Maybe dries the skin but simply add lotion.


I haven’t really had issues with stink in gyms. Although there is one rather large guy that may be suspect…maybe bad coincidence but whenever I smell a stink, he is there in changing room. It’s the smell of the stuff they used to put on puke in school.
Although I can’t stand the trainers that use a bottle of cologne each time.