Washing hands

Great datapoints. You have what it takes to start a research paper. Just go out there now and get a MOST grant.


put a sticker in the bathroom that the soap samples are free, people will line up to try it like they do in costco.


Already at least one thread on this - and also brought up a bunch of times in other threads, Iā€™m sure.

EDIT: The threads have been merged. Thanks mods!

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Would seem youā€™re spending a lot of time studying men in bathrooms, people have gotten in trouble for that.


Same in the US. Always a splash of water, maybe on one hand only, no soap, no scrubbing motions. I hope people who handle food do betterā€¦

A high likelihood Lettuceman is doing a lot of observation in the menā€™s room.

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They wear masks religiously but do not wash their hands. I have even seen it in hospital rest rooms with personnel. Also I have seen people wash their hands before using toilet then not wash after!! Has anyone ever asked someone why they did not wash their hands?

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Be my guest.

This thread is very weird.


Hand washing. Urinal design. Iā€™m intrigued about the contents of the next thread.

My moneyā€™s on squat toilets.

Iā€™d like to know how he managed to spy on at least a thousand people in the bathroom these days. Not an easy task!

You mean theyā€™ll plastic bag it and take it home?

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you are right, better to put an attendant that will give out spoon size portions of the soap.

Iā€™ve taken a shower an hour ago. My cock is shiny and spotless. You could eat breakfast off of it. I take a piss. Not a drop of urine gets on my hands. I donā€™t touch any door handles or other peopleā€™s cocks in the toilet.
Why should I wash my hands?

Not even age spots? :sweat_smile:

i believe this is the logic of the people washing their hands BEFORE urinating, making sure their parts remain clean.
it makes sense in a way, im sure you wash your parts more often than the public toilets are washed.

This thread triggered a memory.


Your grammar isnā€™t.

I think this is cockney perfect tense. ā€œeā€™s only gone and taken a shower an 'our ago innit?ā€


I just got into town about an hour ago

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Met a dirty girl in Taoyuan bungalow

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