Washing machine at night

Asking your neighbor to go to bed earlier is actually a bit insane :joy:
I think all these videos of my washing machine doing nothing for hours are useless anyway, but recently there’s been this loud rhythmic mechanical hum around 3-4am, and I think the neighbor thinks that’s our washing machine, but it’s not.

If you got 4 months just ride it out.

Don’t use the washing machine at night. Not difficult.

If they accuse you of it when you haven’t used it at night then set them straight.

Its not your problem if they want to complain about you talking. Although yea keep it quiet at night, no more midnight ktv.

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Yeah, because now they feel slighted and I’ve lived here long enough to know the numerous ways people retaliate disproportionately. They may just see any noise now at any time as a slight and are likely petty enough to try to ding you for doing it at night as a petty form of revenge.

All of my noise things are now ‘floating’. Rubber feet on top of something like a 2x4 with rubber feet.

Just tell your landlord you didn’t use it at night since the first notice. If there’s still a noise it’s not you. Also tell them you have video evidence that you haven’t done it. That’ll shut em up. If not tell em to shove their complaints where sun don’t shine. It’s just 4 months.

I think this maybe is getting more to the point.


I think it is quite reasonable. Maybe do a video with you sleeping next to the non-operating washing machine, just in case.

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How do I “float” a basketball so that our little Kobe wannabee can practice his ball-handling at home? :thinking:

Do they know you are moving out in a few months’ time? Maybe knowing that will ease their paranoia/xenophobia.

Bounce it off the neighbour’s head.

Wait. My lawyer has advised me that this is battery and that the Kobe Wannabe should just play basketball in a place he calls ‘outdoors’.

Sounds like it must be a new expansion pack for NBA 2k24.

I will bounce that idea into his head.

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So, if you’re leaving the country anyway, sounds like an excellent opportunity for some mayhem.

Become this guy

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I have a neighbour who was like that. Complaining about all sorts of things, lights at night are too bright and she cant sleep, noise of me walking around in the morning at about 6:30 - 7:00 is too early, washing machine at 6pm is too late. This is the best one: water apparently falling too noisily on her balcony roof when it rains and - insert bizarre logic here - that’s my fault. She knocked repeatedly, sent her daughter up, and then her son up, finally she called the police. So I get a call from the police asking if I could come down to talk about ‘the disturbance’ and I was like em no I can’t would you like to come up? So I show them ‘the disturbance’ my kids playing with their leggo. They told me they would talk to her and advised me to file a complaint if she keeps it up. Haven’t heard from her since. :laughing:


Just don’t accidentally send the video where you’re belting out Bohemian Rhapsody at 3 a.m.

You will get the second warning and then landlord will kick you out. Regardless whether you are washing on night time or not.

I know right? The first one of those messages was when I decided to just not bother answering him anymore, which my landlady had been telling me to do for months. Mostly because my only answer would have been that I’ll go to bed when tf I want.

I think I’d been too responsive with him before trying to help solve the water problem, but I came to the conclusion that he’s just a complainer and I couldn’t be bothered humoring him.

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And this is where they check the rental contract and laws and tell the landlord what they need to pay to end the contract early. They can’t just be “kicked out”, especially if they weren’t doing anything — don’t fearmonger.