Washington Post Obituaries

Theres a bunch of Obituary Tweets making fun of Wapos spin on Baghdadi. Heres a few of my favorites. https://twitter.com/search?q=%23WapoObituaries&src=typeahead_click

Jeffery Epstein, 66, of New York reached the end of his rope. Epstein was a noted lover of children who had a passion for sharing his love of children with powerful people around the country. #WapoObituaries

Vlad the Impaler “Dracula”, renown people’s person and motivator, has passed away at the age of 49. #WaPoObituaries

Osama Bin Laden, father of 5, killed during home invasion

Charles Manson, noted family man, charismatic singer/songwriter and aspiring Hollywood socialite, passes away at 83.

Germany is in Mourning!! Adolf Hitler: Austrian born nonconformist who went from penniless bohemian painter to booming Chancellor of Germany has died at age 56, alongside young newlywed Eva Braun.


Mao Zedong, who saved 20-45 million of his own people from having to suffer through the struggle of existence, dies at 82.#WaPoDeathNotices


My favorite is:

Ramsay Bolton, austere diplomat and animal caretaker, passed away at home surrounded by his dogs.



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Pol Pot- A Champion of Cambodian Agricultural reform. Popularized the deurbanization back to farm movement and farm to table eating. Father of Khmer DIY movement. A Buddhist Monk, A Ballet Instructor dies at 76. #WapoObituaries

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This thread seems a suitable place for this recent dustup.

The joke was a groaner. I’m enjoying the fallout. Let them eat one another. The fact that people don’t simply walk across the press room to speak is eye opening. I think the word we used in the past to describe such people, men mostly, but I wanna be inclusive, was p8ssy.

I liked it. :sweat_smile: