Ways into a man's heart...?

Be sweet, tolerant and forgiving, and never EVER bring chou dofu home. :smiley: Thatā€™s about it.

euh, Chou dofu like bzzzzzzz sound and movement?
My chinese still sucks you knowā€¦ need some clarification.

euh, Chou dofu like bzzzzzzz sound and movement?
My Chinese still sucks you knowā€¦ need some clarification.[/quote]

Stinky tofuā€¦

:laughing: WTF is that?

:laughing: WTF is that?[/quote]

As someone was refering too in another tread. :smiley:
ā€œthe pink friendā€ :astonished:

Thanks for the advice folks. I guess he just needs more space.

I have to get a little off topic againā€¦ Valentineā€™s Day in Japan is actually where the girls give guys giftsā€¦ and there must be chocolates at leastā€¦ [insert steak/bj here]. On White Day, guys give the girls cookies, cakes, chocolates, or money, traditionally. I know, because my gf is Japanese ^^

Hmmā€¦ ways into a manā€™s heartā€¦ youā€™ve gotta click with emā€¦ clicking is good. That and the ole bait n fishā€¦