Ways to settle noise pollution problems?

What do you do if your neighbour causes frequent noise pollution during the night, thereby preventing you to sleep?

The police states that the noise level must be at least 55 decibels and the noise must continue for at least 15 minutes, before you can call it noise pollution. The noise pollution can be measured (in Decibels) by the Environmental Protection Agency and they can either inform the other party about it and ask them to stop or otherwise they could also write a ticket.

Is this information correct?

Any comments or experience on how you settled your problems with noise pollution would be appreciated.

Whatā€™s the nature of the noise? Jackhammering and construction? Loud music? Loud sex?

A neighbour, who makes frequent phone calls during the night for more than half an hour.

My wife contacted the EPA abut road noise and they set up microphones on the roof to measure the noise over the period of a week and took the average of the daily noise to see if it breached regulations.So they are definitely active. Not sure about the household noise, but worth calling them Iā€™d say.

My response has always been a substantial tactical counter-attack. Find the gap in the perimeter and lay down the heavy bass line. Trust not in bureaucrats.

A few neighbours, who were bothered by those disrupting phone calls, also spoke with the phone calling neighbour.
He has promised to seize his nightly phone calls.

Group action usually works best in these situations. Many elderly people donā€™t realize that their failing hearing means that they need to modulate their own speaking tones ā€“ and many younger people donā€™t realize that it might be time to upgrade the batteries in their cordless phone.

If a polite discussion doesnā€™t work, then a ā€œbig-character posterā€ in Chinese protesting the loud phone calls stuck to the walls of the elevator and front hallway will usually bring an end to the phone calls.

Recent article boy racers noise pollution causeā€™s following.

The government said road noise pollution contributed to health problems, such as heart attacks, strokes and dementia and lost productivity from sleep disturbance.

Theyā€™ve not lived in Taipei, going by this we would all be dead.

Related, and from someone who did live in Taipei before, this has some interesting details on road noise:

I want to buy every single building in Taiwan and put 30 cm of cork cladding covering each one.

Then see how many pencil-dicks still want to waste their energy going vroom vroom.

Or my neighbors screeching ā€œē”Ÿę—„åæ«ę؂!ā€ with their open window from 11:30 pm to 12:15 am two nights ago (ps, I heard you, other foreigner, shouting expletives at them from your window)


Without decent windows, not the ABSOLUTE CRAP they use here, that cork would be better in wine bottles.

Expanded cork comes from the leftover bits that canā€™t be made into wine bottle stoppers. They shove them in an autoclave and they expand into sheets like ēˆ†ē±³é¦™. Besides, Iā€™d like to be sober as I enjoy relatively quiet streets, not drunk off wine because I have to put up with so much unnecessary noise. The thing about cork is it absorbs the echo on both sides of the wall, so I can enjoy both a quiet interior and exterior, no matter how much assholes modify their cars and scootersā€¦

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If i could have those boy racers taken out back and shot i would, without hesitation.


I know, I know. Iā€™m from one of the biggest producers of both cork and wine. It was just a way to express my hate to windows in Taiwan. Although it was kind of true because no matter how well insulated the walls are if the windows are shite.

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Where can I get cork panels from?!

The windows here truly are shite. We had a student put his fist through the window once cuz anger management problems. He had to pay to replace it. NT$300 total. Could you have any worse quality than US$10 windows?

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I meant country.