WCIF a nice Mah Jong set?

My brother has asked me to bring home a Mah Jong set which he will give away to his in laws. His budget is NT$ 4,500

Can anyone point to a place that sells nice sets in Taipei? The one on Yanji St mentioned here [Where can I buy a chess set? - #5 by daniel_han sounds ok - any others?

Why? I was in that shop just last week and if you can’t find something suitable there, i don’t know where you can. They have sets from around NT$2,000 to around NT$100,000 and more. Everything you could possibly be looking for. Also some extremely lovely Chinese and Western chess sets. Its an Aladdin’s cave.

See if you can find one in card form. It’s the best one I have, you can carry it anywhere (specially if you’re a mahjong freak like me :smiley: ) and is a great conversational piece.

Just want a back up plan - I haven’t been there yet so I wasn’t sure what to expect. And I’m only going to be in town a few days next week before heading home.

I am relieved to read your post. Thank you :slight_smile: My place actually isn’t even far away from it - and there’s an Alleycats near there, too!