We Didn't Start the Fire (Lyric Video), old or new one better POLL

So which is better, old or new version We Didn’t Start the Fire (Lyric Video)

  • New version
  • old version
  • both are ok
  • don’t like this music
0 voters



interesting old version mentions Palestine and I think not the new one

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I like this one

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So I missed this star wars one. Interesting

They’re both annoying, but nobody beats Billy Joel when it comes to annoying.


Samantha Fox can be annoying but in a good way
(117) Samantha Fox - (Hurt Me! Hurt Me!) But the Pants Stay On - YouTube

New one is still three months old. Three months ago everyone was shitting themselves about AI, times have moved on

That Star Trek version is surprisingly good, as none of the lyrics feels fake or forced, with all the lyrics more or less correctly describing the various phenomena in the episodes. Each line of the song, in bam-bam succession, invoked as intended in me the escalating feeling of “yeah, I remember that, and that, and that too!”

When I was a kid that was used to advertise reruns on broadcast TV

While on the topic of Trek-related music, I recently discovered by chance the group called “Five Year Mission”, who seem to write songs about Star Trek episodes. You can find them on YouTube. Worth checking out if you’re a Trek fan.

I appreciate the effort to update the song; Fall Out Boy was a good choice to do it. However, I think I’d like the new version better if the images of the events were in the forefront instead of a big wall of lyrics. Just my preference.

EDIT: I chuckled at the Evergreen Suez mention. I know that they couldn’t possibly include every major event, but I’m surprised nothing was mentioned from this group: Wikileaks/Anonymous/Julian Assange/Edward Snowden/Chelsea Manning/Whistleblowers (unless I just missed it)

EDIT #2: I’d be more impressed if they’d said “Eyjafjallajökull” instead of ‘Iceland volcano’ :laughing:

EDIT #3: This fan-made video is much better

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Yes,! Thanks for posting this looks good

Did I see a China ballon in vid?

New , old and new

Have You Ever Seen The Rain (old)

New version with Rod Stewart who will visit, Southern Taiwan

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