Weekend Dream Group in Taiwan

“WEEKEND DREAM WORKSHOP IN ENGLISH led by Dr. William R. Stimson and Dr. Shuyuan Wang at Chaoyang University of Technology in Wufong, outside Taichung on the following weekends: March 13-14, April 10-11, May 8-9 and June 5-6. Those coming from out-of-town can obtain lodging at the modestly-priced campus guesthouse. There is no charge for the workshop. It is funded by a grant from the Ministry of Education, R.O.C. For an application contact Dr. Shuyuan Wang, Department of Social Work, Chaoyang University of Technology by fax (04-2374-2391), e-mail (siivola.org/monte). No outside cultural or conceptual framework is imposed upon the images of a dream. Rather the concepts necessary for the appreciation of a dream’s meaning emerge from inside the dream itself by means of a group dynamic that is intellectually rigorous but playful, creative and fun. Expect laughter, tears, and excitement at the surprising genius of a simple dream.”