Weight and Diet and Exercise

Yeah eat whenever you want

If you are lifting weights , it’s best to eat a protein/carb meal before bed

Meal times DO NOT MATTER

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I find tea eggs to be a pretty good filling food. I need about 4 eggs to be “full” though.

Google says each egg (hard boiled) is about 150 calories, but it doesn’t have any carb at all.


Eh … I cook more than I eat out, and very rarely buy food from convenience stores. I’m currently kicking myself for not weighing how much peanut butter & yogurt & banana is in the smoothie I’m having for dinner.

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Eggs are filling as protein full

Try the chicken breast in 7-11

An apple is full of fiber

I like lentils and beans to make me full

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Actually correction, 2 eggs are 155 calories.



Great bang for buck

Yeah cooking is harder

By the way I only looked up hard boiled eggs. I have no idea what the tea flavor adds to the egg.

One of the bigger benefits for me is portion control. I don’t need anywhere near as much food as would be served in a typical restaurant meal, especially for things like rice or pasta. But at home, weigh out portions, and recipes that supposedly serve four are usually good for six or even more portions.

COVID and the take-out that ensued was a shocker. At home, 400g is an unusually big meal for me - but Italian restaurants where I’d previously eaten the full serving turned out to be over 800g for the portion! I’d always known the meals were big, but I didn’t realize they were over double what I’d normally eat at home.


I’ve never used creatine so I have no idea how it would affect workouts.

For me, just doing things that most people are not willing or able to do keeps me interested in my workouts.

I see people doing assisted pullups and dips and it makes me happy that I do weighted dips and pullups.

I’ve got a good body image. With all of the siht I’ve got to worry over in life things would truly suck donkey balls if I was depressed over my body image.

I really enjoy seeing these cute boys half my age wearing wife beaters showing off their boney shoulders and noodle arms come into the gym with their cute girlfriends. I just enjoy watching them show these cute girls how to do different exercises.

It is all just very pleasurable.

Oh, I also enjoy finding people’s inbody reports. I found one of a 30 year old the other day. It had the series report for a year. In a year’s time the guy increased weight and fat. His fat was over 30%. No idea how often he would come to the gym but he was still dedicated at getting the analysis each month.

I have not missed a workout since I got back. The first week was rough, but that was to be expected. I was expecting to be able to get back to where I was at after a few weeks. It’s been 4 months. No where near where I was at.

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I love tea eggs. They are very filling for me. You probably need to slow down your eating. Take your time. 4 tea eggs for me would make me sick.

The 711 rice with 1/2 egg is awesome. That with either a ham sandwich or egg and tuna fish with a carton of milk makes a meal for me. I’d be full. I use to do that for breakfast each day.

Tea eggs are great and full of protein.

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Cool Hand Luthier?

And yeah, I think your appetite needs recalibration.

Just remember I posted this a while back about how calories on labels are just guidlines.
CICO with regards to weight and being healthy - Life / Health & Fitness - Forumosa
Asia spinach from Costco. Just different packaging, but calories are different.

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It’s probably your body talking to you.

You mean you are not doing as much weight as before?

I was doing this 45° lat high row and had it loaded heavy. I really impressed myself with the weight. Now, I wonder how it was I was doing that much. I was using pretty good form.

Now, I’m using maybe 10 or 15 kgs less on each side. I’m not unhappy. I might still be able to do that but maybe my mind and body was saying it was too much and because I lowered the weight I avoided injury.

I’m sure not missing the 325+lbs “max” I did in college. I’ve avoided anything heavy for the past 11+ years.

What’s your problem? Your bothered by motivation or the amount of weight you are doing now?

I increase the weights each set. I can not even complete the 2nd to last set anymore. It’s not a motivation issue. Maybe a mental thing. Or maybe I just need to get back on creatine to see if that was indeed the difference.

From that other post about calories in spinach:

The 500g bag showed 32 calories per 100g. The 1kg bag shows 17 calories per 100g.

Looking at my most frequently used spinach recipe (Saag bhaji / spinach with ginger and green chilies): 1.25 lbs spinach, so let’s take the 32cal figure and 600g: that’s 180cal. And the 3 tbsp vegetable oil is 372cal - so the oil is probably at least double the spinach. (The ginger, chilies, salt, garam masala, 1/4 tsp sugar, and cayenne won’t change the totals much.)

Sort of goes back to the guava. The calories from fruit or veg can quickly become almost incidental depending on what else you’re eating.

EDIT: Note that if I were trying to limit calories, I would probably change nothing with this recipe, but instead just have less of any other curries, and especially rice, I’m eating along with it.

Yes, I found the image. 55kgs on each side. I think I’m doing 10kg less on each side now.

Or a world of shit.

Just start with lower weights. Make sure you have had enough food to eat. You need energy to do work.

I can’t tell you anything about creatine. I don’t use any potions beside coffee. I don’t want to tax my body more than all of the alcohol I consume.

If you aren’t already using strong coffee before the gym you should try it. Also, probably listening to some serious heavy metal while in the gym would probably help. Stop listening to that little boy band crap.