Weird AC system I saw

I saw this weird ac system at a factory once.

It’s basically an evaporator on wheels, with a bucket to catch the condensate, but it appears the evaporator can be wheeled around and a hose connects it to the condenser and compressor to eject the heat outside.

Never seen anything like this and unfortunately I don’t have a picture.

Anyone seen anything like this?

In case you are wondering, no it’s not a swamp cooler or water cooled fan. The air coming out of it is ice cold (swamp coolers do not do that).

Something like this?

Read the last paragraph, it’s not a swamp or evaporative cooler. Air coming out of this thing is ice cold like ac. Evaporative coolers don’t do that (they only put out slightly cooler air that’s extremely humid).

Think mini split indoor unit on wheels, except the hose seems to be more flexible.

I did. You said: “it’s not a swamp cooler or water cooled fan.”

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you see these systems used by big offices on building rooftops often, delivering freezing cold air?

I’ve seen one in a bar in Kaohsiung that was delivering what I’d consider pretty cold air (i.e., normally cold for a regular AC unit - I remember it because it was probably the first time I’d noticed a swamp cooler or heard the term, and I asked the owner about it).

Not very sure what TL is talking about though.

I also read the last paragraph, even if you didn’t. Tut tut. :sweat_smile:

I did!

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I’m thinking it might have been one of those things that had a refrigerant system chill some water, and a second loop of water would then deliver the cold water to another coil where it can chill the air. It seems plausible that this system can then be wheeled around. It still has a bucket to collect any drips though.

Are you talking about one of these?

They seem to be quite common - I’m surprised you haven’t seen them before. AFAIK they’re ordinary vapor-compression cycle machines; as you said, as long as you have a way to eject the heat outside the room, they’re reasonably effective.

I believe there’s a variant that uses an adsorption cycle - essentially a swamp chiller with a dessicant and regenerator on the front end - but they don’t get very cold.

It’s not that. Its literally a machine that takes in cold water (the hose on the ground is for that) that has been chilled elsewhere with traditional refrigeration and this unit simply releases the cold.

Yes air comes out ice cold, like a traditional ac. That container is for catching condensate. It will have to be emptied eventually.

That hose going into the container drips water down, does not suck up water.

He said these are used in factories so workers don’t die, as it’s impossible to cool a factory (not to mention impractical).

Its a split unit with an Umbilical, nothing fancy, did you actually look at the link I give you?

maybe you would prefer the smaller version

Sorry I had a little brain fart, don’t know why I keep seeing swamp coolers in my head (swamp coolers are quite common here even though they work jack shit here).

I wonder how much such a system costs?