Welcome back, SARS!

story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=s … ngapore_dc

[quote]Singapore Confirms New SARS Case

By Jason Szep

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore said Tuesday tests had shown it had a new case of SARS (news - web sites), in what could be the world’s first case since a global outbreak was declared over in July.[/quote]

story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=s … 0909093701

[quote]BEIJING (AFP) - China said it was concerned over a new case of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome discovered in Singapore and vowed to report immediately any new discoveries of the deadly disease in China.

“We are very concerned about this incident in Singapore,” foreign ministry spokesman Kong Quan said on Tuesday.

Singapore health authorities confirmed Tuesday that a local patient had contracted SARS but said they believed it was a single isolated case.

The patient is a 27 year-old ethnic Chinese Singaporean post-graduate student who had been working on the West Nile virus at a microbiology laboratory in the National University of Singapore, a health ministry statement said. [/quote]

I’d like to know how he got it…

  1. from another patient
  2. from a lab experiment gone wrong
  3. it self-mutated (the most worrying option)


Oh no. Now formosa will get going on another death and doomsday romp.

no, i refuse to do it again. this entire thing is a hoax and a medical industrial complex conspiracy i now believe, and SARS does not even exist. it is a myth. don’t get me started.

Must have been brought in by someone who’s recently come back from a SARS infected country, like Canada… who could that be ?

SARS reports from Singapore here:

straitstimes.asia1.com.sg/latest … 99,00.html?

Now is time to be proactive in dealing with the SARS threat.

Unfortunately, there is currently no effective treatment for SARS. Perhaps the best defense is a great offense to boost the immune system.

The easiest thing to do is supplementing your diet with good multivitamin and mineral tablets.

I’ve seen some people recommend Echinacea and Andrographis, potent herbs that are supposed to work together to boost your immune system. St. John’s wort contains hypericin, reportedly effective in combating many types of viruses.

Other suggestions are pretty common sense: Make sure you get plenty of rest, maintain a healthy diet and exercise program, and avoid things that that weaken your immune system.

Now might also be a good time to buy some of those masks before the prices shoot up.

[quote=“Wazai”]Now is time to be proactive in dealing with the SARS threat.

Unfortunately, there is currently no effective treatment for SARS. Perhaps the best defense is a great offense to boost the immune system.

The easiest thing to do is supplementing your diet with good multivitamin and mineral tablets.

I’ve seen some people recommend Echinacea and Andrographis, potent herbs that are supposed to work together to boost your immune system. St. John’s wort contains hypericin, reportedly effective in combating many types of viruses.

Other suggestions are pretty common sense: Make sure you get plenty of rest, maintain a healthy diet and exercise program, and avoid things that that weaken your immune system.

Now might also be a good time to buy some of those masks before the prices shoot up.[/quote]

And smoke lots of herbs…

Love Dr. Toe

[quote=“Toesave”]And smoke lots of herbs…

Love Dr. Toe

Absolutely. I smoked herbs during the SARS outbreaks earlier this year and I never got SARS. Need I say more?

Or you could try some of the products plugged on prime-time TV as remedies against SARS.

  • Green beans
  • Pineapple
  • Papaya
  • etc…

Does anyone know if Taiwan has any laws at all against misleading advertisements?

It was really bugging me when my Taiwanese flatmates went out to buy every one of these products after watching the news about how it would protect them against SARS.

I saw an “anti SARS mouthwash” at the local Cosmed the other day… I’m sure that would help!

This is interesting…

story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=s … lphones_dc

JeffG, interesting story. Let’s just hope SARS stays AWAY this winter, or just hits as an RS, with the SA left out.

So, it has come to this. SARS is good for the world, it turns out, because it will hasten the return of Joshua Ben Joseph, aka Jesus the Fish Prophet. Ouch. Read at your peril. Better yet, don’t.

FORMOSA SAVES… old newspapers

Positive effects of SARS

By Erich Bridges, Baptist Press

Chinese economists have estimated that the SARS crisis might cost their nation more than $25 billion in lost economic growth. But something far bigger has been lost in China: faith in economic growth and material progress alone as the keys to the future.

“The people of China are scared,” one Christian based there observed. “They’re thinking about death, they’re thinking about eternal matters, and they seem to be even more open to the Gospel than before.”

Many reports from Christians in China support his statement. A sample:

In one city, a university teacher brought 20 depressed, SARS-quarantined students the Gospel by offering Bibles and “Jesus” films to each. Two graduates subsequently recounted that being quarantined gave them lots of time to read, watch DVDs and think about life. After reading the Bible and watching the video, they began to understand that Jesus is the Savior of the world.
Wang, a taxi driver, sat behind the wheel wearing a two-layered facemask and hoping his next rider would not be carrying SARS. A young man hailed his cab and climbed in. Wang wondered why the man wasn’t wearing a facemask, why he seemed so confident and peaceful. He abruptly turned to the passenger and asked, “Aren’t you afraid of catching SARS?” The young man replied, “I am not afraid because I trust Jesus with my life and health now, and when I die I trust Him to give me life with Him forever. Who do you rely on during times of crisis?” When the passenger climbed out of the taxi, Wang drove off with a new and peaceful heart given to Jesus.
Many workers left jobless or quarantined inside buildings and homes had nothing to do but search for meaning for their lives. Zhang and Fu were stuck inside their workplace for two months. A Christian co-worker gave them a Bible and they had time to read the entire book. With excitement in their eyes, they exclaimed to their co-worker, “We want Jesus.”
SARS has compelled many believers in China to learn anew that the Lord works through all things

[quote=“formosa”]In one city, a university teacher brought 20 depressed, SARS-quarantined students the Gospel by offering Bibles and “Jesus” films to each. Two graduates subsequently recounted that being quarantined gave them lots of time to read, watch DVDs and think about life.[/quote]Preying on people at their most vulverable, how low can you get ?

[quote]“Aren’t you afraid of catching SARS?” The young man replied, "I am not afraid because I trust Jesus with my life and health now,[/quote]Maybe you were right after all, people like this will make it come back.

Where’s the positive side you mentioned ?

[quote]A Kaohsiung hospital yesterday reported this winter’s first SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) case in Taiwan.

Doctors at the Union Hospital said they diagnosed a resident of the southern Taiwan port city as a suspected SARS case.

The resident, whose identity was withheld, visited the hospital in the afternoon.

He showed a typical SARS symptom of a high fever, doctors said. “He suffered from a 37.5 degree fever for two days before coming to us,” one doctor pointed out.

The Kaohsiung resident returned from a trip to China not long ago.

After the diagnosis, the patient was assigned to a pediatric ward, where a commotion took place.

chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/deta … 3300&GRP=B[/quote]

I doubt the nose/mouth masks would do much for preventing the contraction of SARS (or anything). People are always touching them, playing with them and readjusting them with their hands. And if their hands aren’t clean, well…

And I think most people still aren’t aware of the fact that the facemask is mainly to prevent the wearer of the mask to SPREAD the disease by sneezing and coughing. Not to prevent the wearer from contracting the disease, since it’s not very efficient at that.

Think of the SARS sneezer as a sawed shotgun. It’s easier to seal the barrel than to cover yourself with armor. :slight_smile:

[quote=“tigerman”][quote]A Kaohsiung (Gaoxiong) hospital yesterday reported this winter’s first SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) case in Taiwan.
Doctors at the Union Hospital said they diagnosed a resident of the southern Taiwan port city as a suspected SARS case.

The resident, whose identity was withheld, visited the hospital in the afternoon.

He showed a typical SARS symptom of a high fever, doctors said. “He suffered from a 37.5 degree fever for two days before coming to us,” one doctor pointed out.

The Kaohsiung (Gaoxiong) resident returned from a trip to China not long ago.

After the diagnosis, the patient was assigned to a pediatric ward, where a commotion took place.

chinapost.com.tw/Taiwan/deta … 3300&GRP=B[/quote][/quote]

And this doctor gets paid how much money?(Fails to mention 100s of disesases have high fever for days, it’s like saying it must be AIDS because a gay guy feels sick)

And the journalist got a job in this paper? (Where is the word ‘suspected’)

SARS, another great time to get ripped off by those mask companies…