What are some technology companies in Taiwan whose working language is English?

I’m not looking for a job, but I’d like to expand my network of people who work at tech companies in Taiwan that use English as their working language for some or all of their operations. What are some examples of companies like that?


Micron is one. I think Google would also be another one. Maybe NVIDIA? Not too many in Taiwan.

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Too many to list. Which industry?

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I don’t think any other industry would use a foreign language as working/operating language. It is possible that some individual business or a sub-group within a business uses a foreign language when the boss and/or key operating people are more comfortable in that language and think it is more productive to use that language.

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Off the top of my head Synopsis, Corning, Google, Micron, Qualcomm, KLA, Mentor and tons of startups, including the one I work at.

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Thanks @meiguopiwang @Scott123 and @Whatevah! Would love any other examples anyone wouldn’t mind giving.

It might be possible to get a list of companies registered as “branch offices” and look for ones with English-sounding (or otherwise recognizeable) names? :thinking:

Interesting idea. Any thoughts on how to go about doing that?

I believe some of that info is public record, but no, I don’t know how to go about accessing a full list. @fifieldt might…?

Company registrations can be queried here: 商工登記公示資料查詢服務

If you’re looking for a foreign company they will have the country followed by 商 in the name. For instance, an American company will begin with 美商. You’ll also want to select 分公司 (branch office) as company type. An API is available which might be easier to digest if you’re looking for more granular filtering.



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You should understand though, just because the company is American doesn’t mean your immediate supervisor does everything in English or even have American style management. It could, but not necessarily.


All of Acer and Wistron are officially bilingual. Email communication is often in English. I have no idea why. I write my emails in Chinese.


Because its easier if you need to share the email trail with a colleague overseas, because Chinese often lacks the the dedicated terminology (or more common, people use the English terminology interwined with Chinese as they speak).
it often simplifies a lot of things if you do it all in English from the start.


Super cool, thanks @bananas and @fifieldt!!


Except it doesn’t because you end up with a bunch of people who can’t really write English writing emails that are very hard to understand.

That is true, in my case the 3rd parties overseas also aren’t native speakers, so you can have a Taiwanese writing in English to Vietnam and both misunderstand each other :slight_smile: but its the best we have considering my overseas colleagues dont speak Chinese…