This is one of those tips that you need to have money to save money. I’m a Hilton diamond member and it’s great but I travel for business so I get Hilton points and all the benefits and use AMEX to get those points.
Ukraine isn’t cheap or easy to get to. If there’s war going on, major carriers will NOT be going there. There’s war risk insurance to where it’s not cost effective for carriers to want to be near there.
If you are traveling to a war zone, expect to pay a premium.
In fact if you want to get anywhere near the front line, if you don’t need to be there (like red cross, correspondents, etc.) you’ll be paying a ton of money to be told “no” by relevant authorities.
Don’t get a girlfriend, because the girlfriend will be a money sink. For example instead of being able to book a bunk bed at a hostel, you have to book a double bed at a hotel or airbnb.
Hostels are not only cheaper but have the added advantage that you can easily find drinking buddies for the night, or hook up with backpacker chicks with a bit of luck. Try doing that in a swank hotel. A rougher road but you meet more interesting people.
Sadly, like me, you may be a bit too old for that scene. But if you’re young that’s the way to go.