Not necessarily about politics. Can extrapolate. I want to know what people living here think. Specifically not wanting this in the politics forum. Living in Taiwan, what differences do you see, if any? CKMT / DPP.
Even if one thinks political party discussions belong in the political category, reality is it affects all our lives. On the ground. Thus, living in taiwan. I want to know what every John and Jane Doe think in this community. It’s not just politics, but relates to our food, schools, roads and frankly the reality of becoming China or war. These are real life “living in taiwan” things that are extremely important.
This may be more relatable for those that have lived here through multiple governemnt shifts. But that isn’t the metric. What do we notice? Everybody. The tourist here 2 days to the military officers with a family that is 80 years old. Today, there is a proper range .
What differences do you see when things in government change? I was a teacher once upon a time, and I noticed fellow teachers complaining about how books changed based on who is in power. Which seems really wild. But, sadly, real. Brainwashing kids seems to be a thing that should differentiate us from China. It, clearly isn’t. But has improved in Taiwan. At least in my opinion
I come from an approach that everything is corrupt. Because it’s what I see daily. So I dont much differentiate between political parties in terms of low level corruption and theft of funds. That’s par for the course in Taiwan. All sides are guilty. Frankly, society is guilty as well. Everyone scrambling to get a peice of the pie and work less. It’s a common issue.
I’m wondering, specifically, with the China Kuo Ming Tan party, what aspects are admirable? What points are worthy of such an administraion? What justifies voting for them? In 2024. Our last China KMT president has openly stated we need to become China. Multiple times. Is this the direction we should go?
I truly want to know, on an individual basis, what makes people gravitate towards the China KMT party? Are there actual legitimate reasons they might be preferable instead of supporting taiwan? What are they? Is the DPP not creating enough short term wealth, despite still making our country very rich? Is it greed, a want for more?
Note, this is about 2024 China Kuo Ming Tan (CKMT), not the old party that was at war with China (PRC). More about the new age of them wanting to align with the PRC. This China KMT I find terrifying, and I cannot understand why people support it. However, I truly want to understand why people can still support such an entity. Outside of ignorance or treason, I really do not understand.