What are the weirdest or most "special" cigarettes from Taiwan, as souvenir?

Wanting to bring a good friend some weird souvenirs from Taiwan. He smokes.

Of course I’ll bring a pack of “Long Life”, but what other cigarettes are weird, funny, strange, special… or even good? I’m a non-smoker, so I wouldn’t know.

I don’t believe Taiwan produces cigarettes.

Mild 7 is the most popular brand but it’s Japanese.

You might snag one of those fancy Chinese cigarettes at the airport. Zhonghua was my go to brand in China. Maybe the panda brand will be the most interesting for him but my friends who smoke always asks me to bring them Zhonghua.

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I assume he also drinks? Maybe a bottle of Kavalan? My friends also seem to like it a lot.


the watermelon flavor ones are great as a souvenir. i think they are called Mars, light green pack.
i havent seen them anywhere else.

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I usually grab a carton of the Long Life brand cigarettes at the duty free shops. Smoker buddies get a laugh out of it.

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Maybe the ones with the little poppable spheres of fruit flavors in the filter - do they market those in Europe or are they just an Asia thing?

(Seems like something Europeans might be all fussy about - making cigarettes more palatable to teens and so on.)

New Paradise cigarettes

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Bit too late. But put a pack of cigarettes into a box of red lime betel nut with a sexy lady on it.

Ps. Taiwan does still produce it. TTL. It is heavily regulated and farmers are forced to grow certain sized plots, not more. Even today. Although taiwans low quality standards and low labor quality are obviously forcing this product to be more and more imported

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It’s funny one of the major selling brand from TTL is basically called long life. Old folks love to smoke those.

Isn’t TTL almost like Taiwan’s version of the ATF except without the guns or law enforcement power?

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No. If anything they are more like the cartels, except they are also pseudo government. Makes one think, doesn’t it. .

All they gotta do is regulate guns and they’ll be like the ATF.

Why? We don’t allow guns here save for special circumstances. They don’t need regulating because they are simply not allowed in the first place. TTL stants for Taiwan tobacco and liqueur (monopoly). Much like the Chinese KMT don’t write CKMT for abovious reasons, TTL doesn’t write TTLM.

Alcohol and tobacco have been heavily restricted here for ages. Only recently have things like craft beers and such been allowed. Even now, the regulations are so tight its mostly an OEM game. I respect the few that pushed hard to get their own factory. But they are few and far between. Taiwan is changing, but I don’t see tobacco changing much. it’s just a straight drug, no need for fancy craft level justification like with alcohol :wink: alcohol can be fun, nicotine is either a pesticide or a sad depressing addiction without benefits :innocent: no need for special marketing anymore.

Alcohol just makes me sick, and it’s a very deadly drug. If it were possible to restrict it they would.
The us has very strict alcohol laws and a very high drinking age, not to mention all kinds of arrestable offense for trivial stuff (like drinking in public).

I’d be totally fine to trade legalized weed for more restriction on alcohol but we all know how it would work of we try to regulate them too much.

Trouble is, it is logistically impossible to oppress yeast and sugar. It is easier to oppress a single plant species. That’s why it can work. How tobacco is still legal whilst others are “narcotics” is something of an enigma.

Tobacco just makes me cough my lungs out. No idea why anyone would smoke it. It isn’t like weed where you get high.

It’s addictive, obviously.

In large doses it is also incredibly hallucinogenic. Which is its original purpose for divination. The way people smoke now is silly lol.

There are reasons the upper portions of the pal t cannot be used and requires actual government intervention. You can get high beyond high with tobacco. They intentionally harvest the weak leaves, and slow cure it to degrade it, then burn it to further degrade it. Otherwise nicotine can kill you straight up. Hence it being a common pesticide.

Yea, nicotine, THC and stuff are all made by plants to stop animals from eating them.

Seriously, if you eat a vegetable, and it’s slightly bitter, it’s poison. Bitterness is your body telling you it’s bad for you, which is why you also tend to want to vomit when you eat something bitter. That bitterness in vegetable is it trying to kill you and failing at it.

Yet we somehow get addicted to poisons…

Alcohol is poison too.