What Are You Watching (TV Series, etc.)? :facebook:

I really liked The Tick too. A breath of fresh air in an age of superhero fatigue.


Tbh, Iā€™m morally against pirating. Iā€™m big on paying, people artist and performers for their work.

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So am I, but you asked how to buy pirated videos.

I was wondering. I thought they were in USBs or some other format. I donā€™t have anything that can play DVDs.

Maybe in such a remote region like Johor Bahru itā€™s okay to pick up a few cheap DVDs :sweat_smile:Cheap players also available.

Ahhh, but are the artists and performers getting a slice of your box office, or have they already been paid in full. As one of those wannabe artists, Iā€™d personally prefer that you see my efforts and the studios/fat cat producers can eat it.

Thus, my upcoming production of White Rabbit Red Rabbitā€¦itā€™s a pay what you can event.

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Good point. But wouldnā€™t the logic still be if the studio/producers and the people backing make more money, the more likely they will pay people down the road?

Still rather you see my work. Wasnā€™t it Edvard Munch that hung his paintings in the forest? Musta made his manager scream. :wink:

Season 2 comes out next year!

The Tudors on Netflix.

Youā€™re very late to it.

Very new to me. Not sure why but like it. Already on season 4.

I like it too.

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: What are you watching (TV) 2019