What did you do for Palindrome Day?

I just did the usual stuff. Never was much for holidays.

Eat a Tacocat tacocat


I was building a racecar

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What did I do? D, I did tahw

The tahw that can be done is not the eternal Tahw.

Praised the Lord at the St. Mattress of Lady. Pastor Pillow gave a good sermon on sleeping in.

Got food ready for that yearly theatrical event called the Super Bowl (49ers are going to win as they paid the highest bid :wink:) And took a looooong needed walk in sunshine because I haven’t seen the sky since 2019. :disappointed::disappointed:

Since yesterday was a palindrome, I wanted to share with everyone my favorite one.

The word nothing, spelled backwards is gnihton, which also means nothing.


Btw, yesterday was the perfect day to get
A nut for a jar of tuna


first one in 900 years and last this century so its pretty cool., but i didnt do nada…

Just hung out listening to


The most incredible palindrome day that every was and that ever will be!

I woke up. It was dark outside.
It then became light outside.
When i fell asleep, it was dark again.

My day, every day is a palindrome.