What do I need to do after quitting a job to be able to stay Taiwan for a few months

UK national here. I’ve been working in a school for a couple of years but my time has come to move on. Either in terms of staying here and finding another job, or going back. I’d like to quit my job and be able to stay here for a few months while I figure out what to do next. What’s the procedure for doing this?

I read that once you tell your workplace that your quitting, they’ll give you a 離職證明 on the last day, then you take that to the NIA and they’ll give you something that lets you stay in Taiwan for 3 months (or 6?). Is this still the case?


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Just have to go to immigration and apply for a 6 month extension. It’s easy I did it before

Wait now you say 3 or 6 and I can’t remember. I think it was 6… I left after only like 1

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Six months.


I don’t actually know the number of months; I :heart:ed your post because I’ve never seen you make even one mistake about laws or regulations.


You’re probably just not paying enough attention then! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:


Well, I think I’ve seen enough to conclude that you’re an ace about the laws and regulations–what they are, what they mean, and how they work–and that you’re probably an ace about some other matters, too.

You’re very welcome. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the info.

Just wondering, when you apply for the 6 month ARC extension, do you have to state a particular reason like “job hunting “?