What do people mean Taiwan is more China than China

I don’t think you understand the legal implications of a formal apology. That’s the first step towards legal action and reparations.

It’s a baby step, but it is a step. :2cents:

I haven’t looked deeply into that, but what standard are you using for people to qualify?

You could go with the 1/8 rule like US law does (iirc) for membership in an aboriginal group, or you could go with the 7th generation rule like Thai law does for royal blood (what is that, 1/128?), but “at least some” if awfully vague and eventually leads to the realization that everyone is everything, at least planet-wide.

Let’s stick to that. This line of reasoning doesn’t go anywhere. An Indigenous is an Indigenous and a Haklo is a Haklo and so on. A Zhuang is a Zhuang, but that doesn’t make China special.
All this Indigenous talk would really fit better on a thread about how Taiwan is different than China. This thread has got derailed and worse, repetitious.

For registration as aboriginal you have to be at least one-quarter aboriginal (registered at the time of change in law). My wife and I went in to register our kids after the new law, and the place was full of Taiwanese who had suddenly “discovered” their aboriginal blood and wanted to get in on some of the affirmative action.

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This is why reparations are dangerous things. Who qualifies? I recently heard something about US reparations for African Americans where they said someone would have to have registered as “black” (on the census? idk) for at least 12 years before the reparations began being discussed. But there’s the whole “you can’t ask for genetic information” side of things, so anyone who wants in can get in, especially if they look “normal” (aka white) and there’s little chance of that box being ticked is going to negatively impact them.

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What? Do you know what the aboriginal contribution to the Hakka/Hoklo genome is?

You shouldn’t get the advantage if you haven’t suffered.

It means nothing.

Can we have a different thread about genetics? Or add all this to one that inevitably exists in which everything has has been said before. This junk science is dragging down what was an interesting conversation.

Those 23 and Me commercials really get up my nose. Like, suddenly you’re Hispanic and can check a different box on an employment form. Or you don’t have to bother with white guilt because you found out your ancestors were hard-working Italians. This is for Americans, of course.

If Taiwan wants to make the Indigenous such a showpiece, they should give all Austronesians the same treatment they give Overseas Chinese. If they want to stop being associated with China, they should ditch the whole Overseas Chinese connection altogether. And give back the palace treasures. And just rename things withing making a big deal about it, more than the airline. There are more identity issues that are far more relevant than genes.
People say Taiwan is more Chinese than China because it makes itself appear to be.

Yea, I wouldn’t let my kids take the 25% advantage in college admission they could have qualified for. That’s for students up in the mountains or crappy houses in town, not for kids of university-educated English teachers.

Exactly! The same thing happened in the US when Native Americans started getting rights to open casinos. A lot of people off the reservations started digging up their family trees. Some nations made restrictions so that even people on the reservations didn’t get casino-funded handouts.
What is a 25% advantage? 25% off tuition, or does it have to do with a number of spots open to Indigenous Taiwanese?

So you’re saying those peer-reviewed studies are all junk science. Got it.

Those ones that contradict the previously mentioned studies, yeah. We’ve been through this. Scroll up. It’s all be discussed before. Defend your studies if you want, it doesn’t change anything. GENES DON’T MATTER. Even if it was true, genes mean nothing. I don’t case if the majority of Taiwanese are mostly Japanese, Turkic, Semitic, or Caucasian. Genes mean nothing.

Every year the PRC celebrates their victory against the Japanese.


Which studies are those? I don’t see any that say Hakkas/Hokloes aren’t aboriginal.

“Or you don’t have to bother with white guilt because you found out your ancestors were hard-working Italians.”

Since when did italians become not white?

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They are, but they were hard working and not privileged. I don’t know if anyone is going to draw those conclusions, but the ads seem to play into a sort of ancestral pride, if not racial pride.

What I mean is:

If you know most are not mostly, you’re ahead of many, so let’s stick with that point. As for how many have some and how much they have, it’s an irrelevant fact.

so are a whole bunch of white peoples ancestors. just goes to show what a bunch of crap all this white guilt white privilege nonsense is.

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I disagree because that was then and this is now, but a lot of Italians have North African ancestors. It’s as irrelevant as how many and how much Taiwanese are Indigenous. Genes don’t make a culture.

White privilege was garbage before and its garbage now…

Wrong question. They used to be “half white” but now they’re white. At least in the USA.

Same thing with Greeks and Jews.

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25% on your college entrance exam application- 35% if you speak an aboriginal language too- they’re trying to screen for disadvantaged kids, not too well.
A few years back the highest score on the exam in all Taiwan was an Amis kid from Hualien- his dad was the boy’s academic senior high school math teacher, his mom the same for Chinese- and he got the extra marks.