What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs in a

ditch? Phil.

on a piece of paper? Mark

in a bog? Pete

a cow with 2 legs? Lean Beef

a cow with no legs? Ground Beef

a girl with 1 leg? Eileen

a Chinese girl with one leg? Irene

What do you call a dog with no legs? It doesn’t matter what you call him, he’s not going to come.

What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs on top of a pile of leaves?


Heard all these jokes back in 1984 or thereabouts, but that’s no reason not to add my favorite:
What do you call a man with a plank on his head?
What do you call a man with three planks on his head?
Edward Woodward

What so you call a man with a spade in his head ?

What do you call a man without a spade in his head ?

I’ll get me coat…

What do you call a guy sitting in boiling water, surrounded by potatoes and carrots?

What do you call a painting of a guy sitting in boiling water, surrounded by potatoes and carrots?

What do you call a man who lays in front of the door?

What do you call a girl with a frog on her head?

What do you call a boy with one foot in the door?

What do you call a spaniard who has just come out of hospital?

what do you call a spaniard who has lost his car?

What do you call a lady with two toilets on her head?

What do you call a man who likes to work out?

What do you call a man with rabbits down his pants?

[color=red]Q:[/color] What do you call a girl with no arms and no legs in a hole in the ground?
[color=green]A:[/color] Peg

What do you call a girl with no arms or legs on the beach?




[color=red]Q:[/color] What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs in the water?
[color=green]A:[/color] Bob

A guy with no arms no legs in a mailbox?


Hanging on the wall?


What do you call a man with no arms and no legs water skiing?


Could someone please explain the “Edward” joke!

Edward = Head Wood, sort of