What does NHI card cover?

No time to check the archives on this one - have to post and run. sorry if it’s already been covered.

I have a friend in the USA who has a pre-existing medical condition that is starting to become problematical. As it’s pre-existing, and she’s no longer covered on her parent’s insurance, she will have to pay for treatment herself. She can’t get cover in the USA for something they know she has, of course.

If she were to be working legally in Taiwan, with NHI card, does anyone know whether she could get decent treatment?


I’ve found the official link to a DOH page that has informaiton about who is required to enroll in the NHI and how premium levels are categorized: doh.gov.tw/logo012/english/b … 0824-1.htm

Sorry no information about what services/drugs are covered yet. I’ve sent the DOH an email inquiry and will post the results when they come.