What does 睡眠 on my AC remote do?

Just trying to figure out how to sleep a bit better at night, anybody know this function? (睡眠)


It’s a timer with an adjustable shut off time in hours.


You rock.

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It’s on some days where the night gets kinda cooler and you don’t want to wake up with a cold or burn unnecessary amount of electricity cooling when outside is 16 degrees (when daytime is over 25).

So it basically turns off the AC after a predetermined time runs out.

It’s also good for some people who have better heat tolerance and only needed the AC on to fall asleep.


It releases a relaxing gas to help you sleep.


speaking of AC settings… sometimes I wish there is an “in between” setting.

For example, tonight, 23 is too cold, but 24 is just too hot. Has to do with the frequency the AC turns on to maintain temperature but I simply wish that there’s an in between, since at 24 the AC simply does not turn on at all, but at 23 it turns on way too often, wasting electricity and making me too cold.

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Me too

Global thermonuclear Warfare. Don’t press it.


Actually it controls that wheel on your electric meter.

Pressing it cause it to spin REALLY FAST, so fast that you’d think it was a disc grinder.

Then you get this in the mail:

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Whut? Did you hook up your daoist space laser directly to the bedroom wall outlet?

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Be adventurous and push the damn button, you’ll figure out what it does eventually.

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If you have a dehumidifier it stays pretty comfortable with a fan until about 28° in my experience

By the way, can point phone with Google translate at it and it will tell you instantly.

Or take a picture of it and use Google Translate.

This is what I do sometimes when I’m in some random hotel in Taiwan.


That’s what an AC does, removes moisture by condensation on cold heat exchanger, using a fan.

A dehumidifier does heat up the room by the way so it would easily exceed 28 if it’s running all the time. They also draw a fair bit of juice too.

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The problem with ACs of course is that they are binary on/off systems. Either it spits out cold 18 degree air or it turns off. What’s really needed is a system that can produce air of varying temperatures. Say 18 to start with, then 22, then 26.

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