What game are you playing?

:free: :video_game:


Also Shadow Tactics - Aiko’s Choice

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I was playing outer wilds but recently got a new phone with a large screen and now for the first time in my life I’m phone game playing trash.

Well, not really, I only play slay the spire, but it’s destroyed my screen time goals lol

:free: :video_game:


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Finished Collisto Protocol this weekend.

Graphically the game looks amazing. Game play is alright and so is the story. Not a great game but good and fun enough to carry me through 8-10 hours of the story.

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I got a confession to make.

I have the game pass which has Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy. But it does not work, it gives me the “no D3D12 adapter found” error. There’s a way to bypass this by adding the parameter “-sharedvram” on the program execution line, but the game pass does NOT allow launching programs with any parameters at all. So I’ve had to “pirate” it in order to play it at all. I don’t think this is pirating because by having the game pass I already have the right to play the game…

It’s either that or I gotta buy a card with more than 4G of VRAM, and I don’t have money for that.

20 Minutes Till Dawn is a fun cell phone shoot em up time waster.

Running a Valheim server with 4 active players if anyone is interested.

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Reversi on flyordie.com. Anyone play?

Anyone old enough to play Starcraft? You know the original one, running on Windows 98


Here, but more like the Broodwars era.


How about Dune? Mine that spice.



Sounded amazing on my Soundblaster 16:


By the way anyone played Atomic Heart? It’s on game pass. Is it any good without spoiling anything?

It seems very Soviet Russia like in the beginning… or maybe in Soviet Russia, Atomic Heart play YOU!!!

It’s a good game but the dialogues are awful. Looks like written by a 5 year old.

Maybe it was made in Soviet Russia…

Allegedly it’s Russian-developed, Ukraine are asking for a boycott. Lots of speculation about its release date being so close to the anniversary of the invasion and all that.

I didn’t get as far as playing it. It took two days to download, and then wanted a 15GB update.

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What race did you play?

What game? I don’t think Atomic Heart allow you to customize race…