What game are you playing?

Any other gamers here? As old as I get and with all the stuff going on around me, I still love playing games when I have free time. What are you guys playing right now?

I’m playing through the walking dead by telltale games season one. It’s really a pretty fun game thats laid back.

Uncharted 4 and then I will start Horizon zero dawn.

Also, playing Fifa and MLB 17 because I am addicted to sport games.

Overwatch and Dota 2. More Overwatch these days because I can get more games in before bedtime than Dota 2 which is at least an hour per game.

I will probably download the original Starcraft and get back into that sometime after the Overwatch event is over on May 1.

Far Cry 4

Hearthstone = guilty pleasure.

As much as I keep telling myself how stupid of a card game it is, I still play at least one or two times a day.

At the moment I’m replaying Myst III: Exile. Haven’t played this in many years, but it still holds up well (as far as exploring/puzzle solving games go).

GTA4. Fun to be back home

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I’m also playing MLB 17 on the side. Pretty cool they put Wei yin Chen on the cover for Taiwan this year. Although I liked the Griffey jr cover, i thought it was cool they did a cover for the Taiwanese market.

I’m also thinking about downloading starcraft. I loved the first one and it’s pretty cool they are remastering it.

Been junkin’ out on The Witcher 3.

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Horizon Zero Dawn has been amazing. Easily the game of the year so far.

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I was thinking of getting Horizon Zero Dawn, but isn’t it a rip off of Far Cry? I have played all the Far Cry games up to Far Cry 4 and getting bored of it. Go here, kill that, climb that tower, rinse and repeat.

No it’s not like farcry…idk where you heard that

I play games whenever I can, but I have a huge backlog. I tend to buy them whenever they’re on sale. I’ve been playing the Uncharted Remastered Collection recently. I also really enjoy Destiny but that game gets to a point where you just have to grind to make any real progress. It can get tedious.

I don’t mind resorting to queuing for FPS and MOBA games which go from anything to 30 to 90 minutes, but a part of me misses those JRPG grindfests.

Final Fantasy 8 was one of my personal all time favorite games, but you can’t really fully beat that game without grinding for an extra 30-40 hours.

Dota 2 is so frustrating on the SEA servers. People always DC. I lost interest and it was my most played game BY FAR. Now FIFA is. lol.

I find that interesting because from the pro scene, SEA players are normally better than North American players.

However, NA players are always more cooperative than SEA players in pubs.

I started playing less Dota because you invest so much time into one game and one guy decides he’s going to pick carry on a no support team.

I lost interests in muti player games since I don’t have much time to put into it to get good and to get equipment like in COD. Plus i rather play a relax game, I’m more into RPGs and action adventures now.

Mass Effect : Andromeda !

I haven’t played Far Cry, so I can’t relate to it. The graphic is amazing, and the engine is making the gameplay seamless. It’s so damn good I don’t want it to end. I’m taking my time completing all the side quests and just exploring the game right now.