What happened to the GOP?

The media the media… we’re all capable of free thought.
Agree normal people have other concerns. If Republicans want to move on then they probably shouldn’t be scheduling events around it.


Both parties are going to use it to score political points. That’s the way the game is played.


Overrun by ethnonational populists and domestic terrorists.

So it’s the “Deep State’s” fault? :rofl: Didn’t realize we were still using that one.

Oh and the media… can’t forget the media.

What is the deep states fault? I suspect you didn’t watch the video as the phrase deep state is not actually mentioned.

Maybe next time you have an issue with a video being posted you might be able to actually enunciate a little more precisely what the issue is or what was said in the video that you disagree with. :wink:

some very not-fine people on both sides

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Yeah and literally 10 seconds later he says “I’m not talking about the Nazi’s and white supremacists who should be condemned completely”. You do know that right? Or were you being sarcastic or something?

I really don’t get why this trope still get’s rolled out when it’s an obvious attempt by the media to push a narrative, which they succeeded in doing, but anyone paying attention should realize was another attempt at dishonestly on their part.

so what you’re saying is, only one side of the media is pushing a dishonest narrative?

The media itself is interesting to discuss. But the “both sides” quote you go with is misleading as there were 4 groups of people there that day.

You do know this right?

i know the american politcal spectrum is divided into two sides (left and right), and i know that the bad orange man used those specific words in his speech. you are missing my point by going into the weeds on the side of the road.

the point is, when people complain about “the media” pushing a “dishonest” “narrative” they should remember that while this happens on the left side of the spectrum, it also happens on the right.

:grinning: That one is the biggest illusion of them all. Sure the is a left and there is a right. The AOC’s and the rest of the squad and people like Bernie Sanders, they certainly are the left and Matt Gates, MTG, that other new one that seems like a loon, Boebert or something, they are definitely on the right.

They are all portrayed as the fringe the loony extreme part of each party, in reality they are more representative of popular opinion.

That leaves the so called moderates, the ones the media always portray as the sensible ones, the ones in reality that control things.

Now consider this, when the left are in control of all 3 branches of Government, left supporters never get a damn thing they were promised. Now if you are a lefty, that might be all you care about but the same is true when Republicans have all branches, Republican supporters never get a damn thing they wanted either.

So what gives? There is an easy answer. :wink:

Yes, and you may recall I consider myself a centrist.

The easy answer is the election wasn’t rigged and Trump holds at least some responsibility for January 6th.

No no no, don’t go off on a tangent.

Think about it, moderates have been in control of pretty much everything for decades, they want us to believe it’s a big battle between the left and right, or whatever way they can divide us to fight among ourselves.

Consider this, when Trump fired James Comey, could he just put whoever he wanted in place at the head of the FBI? Let’s say Tom Fitten of Judicial watch, he seems like a stand up guy who is solidly right leaning.

The answer is “no”. Why not? Because senior positions at the FBI, DOJ, CIA or where ever need Senate approval and Mitch McConnell decides who can or can’t be allowed to assume such a position, or did at the time anyway.

Trump actually learned to do a workaround to this later in his term by appointing someone they really didn’t like in a temporary position like Ric Grenell as acting head of National Intelligence and then picking someone they would ordinarily reject like John Ratcliffe who they then have to pick the lessor of two evils.

But that goes back to the question, John Ratcliffeis on the same side as them, right, right? Why would they ordinarily reject him if he is on the same side?

I’m not, I’m getting back on track:


How sure are you of that, out of curiosity? On a scale of 0 to 100% sure.

Don’t click on the spoiler until you give an answer. No cheating.

Why 100% sure? You trust politicians 100%? Or the media to tell you the truth 100%, where does this 100% faith come from?

I did go through the video, skipped parts that were repetitive, hence the media comment. No issue with posting the video just making fun of the use of Deep State.


aha, not what you thought, was it?!

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They did use the term security state, are you claiming that is non existent? The FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA are figments of peoples imagination? Are you claiming things like the Patriot Act are conspiracy theories?

What are you trying to say? I know you have been told there is no such thing as the deep state and to mock those who use the term, but have you asked yourself why, or if it makes any sense?