What if China never became communist

I saw this video suggesting that if china never became communist then everything would be mostly the same. Basically china would still be mostly authoritarian but they’d still be manufacturing cheap Walmart shit out of necessity… What do you think?

“The Nationalists, or, Ku Mang Tang…” :face_with_monocle:

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Oh, you mean the Wu Tang Clan.

Great band if you’re into interesting hip hop


At least he didn’t say the other clan that starts with Ku.

wait…is this the same boring game like hypothesizing if Germany had won WW2?
waste of time. live in the present and deal with it


If Nazi Germany won WWII human race is doomed.

Hitler will systematically murder anyone not Aryan and will eventually murder japanese as well.

With the whole world composed of only Aryans genetic defect will start to appear due to inbreeding, requiring another round of murders to get rid of inbred people, and before long the genetic diversity will be so bad that no one will be left.

In about 10 or 20 generations humanity is effectively extinct assuming the murders are carried out to fruition.

Fuck the Nazis.

wait… isn’t this about China not being communist

You’re the one who brought up the Germans and opened a can of worms! :rofl:

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yes. baiting some fish with some worms, like shooting ducks on a park pond

Godwin’s law…