What is a good English newspaper?

Hi peeps
I am new to Taiwan. Teaching English. Finding my way, rather enjoying it so far as I have a supportive school.

Now call me old fashioned, but I like to read an actual paper printed newspaper every 2 or 3 days. Yes I know online is all the rage these days but…

In the convenience store near me I can only find Taipei Times - sadly I find there is something slightly “off” about that paper - I dunno, but I kinda feet grotty and down after reading it, as if I have forced myself to eat a slab of stale butter oO

Anyways what do people read? Any other solid English options? I cannot read Chinese sorry.

I think that’s the last printed one. The other competing rags are all online only now.

I buy the Taipei Times two or three times a week. Takes me about 5 mins to read. Miss the crossword puzzle.

If you depend on written news, you’ll be missing even more. There is not really any good thorough English news source of any type in or about Taiwan.



Between the three traditional dailies published, there was barely the equivalent of a decent newspaper between them. All lacking … sadly. There have been times when things were somewhat better… but they never lasted. Nowadays, not so much…

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Yeah, be nice if they brought those back. You can subscribe to the NYTimes crossword. Like US$7 per month though.

Does the Liberty Times (I think) still have the NY Times International edition insert on Mondays? Haven’t noticed for a while.

That would be sweet!

I am pretty sure it was United Daily with the NYT insert. I remember it being on a Tuesday or Thursday. I’ll check later today

NYT International is printed locally, at a press in Tucheng. It’s available at most major bookstores, as is WSJ and FT.

The insert that we were talking about is the NYT Weekly

Kinda like this…

The International New York Times is not available in any bookstores or at airport.

Huh, that’s unfortunate. When did that change? I used to pick it up at eslite, when it was still called the International Herald Tribune, back before I had a Kindle. (And of course as someone who loves my Kindle, I’m partly responsible for the demise of bookstores and printed newspapers.)

OP: sorry, finding good English-language news about Taiwan is tough anyway - and almost impossible to find on paper. For Taiwan news these days I think I learn most from the blogs of Lao Ren Cha and Michael Turton - Turton in particular will often have lots of good links.

Airport no, but many bookstores. Check out the Eslite in Xinyi, or the bookstore near the movie theater at Breeze Center.

Confirmed today, yes they have INYT, but usually a day old.