What is child abuse?

I explained what I do, super king.

Come on now. Leftywang is the forum equivalent of a radio shock-jock (with a reactionary/ conservative leaning). There’s more than a hint of irony in his user name. His statements are specifically designed to provoke controversy and emotion. I am sure he’s having a good laugh at you all right now.

He introduces this thread with words such as “here’s a hot topic of debate”. As if intelligent people around the world are really debating the pros and cons of whacking your child until they bleed.

[quote=“pgdaddy1”][quote=“superking”]Leftywang81 is asking a good question, what DO you practically do if your child is being abusive and you will not consider a swift wallop as a useful tool? Why not answer his Q instead of levelling more and more ridiculous things at him. “You agree with spanking a child, well I saw a man fuck a tree and then punch the tree. I guess you are a tree fucker!”

I have been watching how people respond to Mr Wang this last week. It is interesting how many folks respond to him in an emotional rather than logical way. There is certainly an us VS him attitude, which is ironic when he is being asked to grow up etc. I suppose people always like bonding opportunities. And he has certainly had many verbal slaps. So should we be passive aggressive with insolent children? Many here use it as an adult form of behaviour suppression. :laughing: Snark-asm.

Sadly I know how this ends. Lefty will be pushed and pushed until he grows fed up and leaves. 2 days later we are back asking where we can find sour cream and wondering what happened to that Leftywang chap. Mark it down.[/quote]

Come on now. Leftywang is the forum equivalent of a radio shock-jock (with a reactionary/ conservative leaning). His statements are specifically designed to provoke controversy and emotion. I am sure he’s having a damn good laugh at you all right now.[/quote]

Nah I’m not having a damn good laugh at anyone.
I just enjoy playing devils advocate and coming from these situations from a different point of view.

Playing devil’s advocate is fun, but you do have to have a plausible (fact-based) position to start from. In this case, there really isn’t one, any more than there is for torture or animal abuse.

No, I think the public is split on whether or not AP is a child abuser or just a loving parent who lost control.
Its not like the Ray Rice situation where almost everybody has declared him a wife beater and guilty of domestic abuse…
You still have people who argue that a good spanking or whooping is okay and not considered “child abuse”.
Case in point, just ask all the “child abusers” here in Taiwan whether or not its okay to whack a kid on his hand or behind when he doesn’t get an A on his report card…

No, I think the public is split on whether or not AP is a child abuser or just a loving parent who lost control.
Its not like the Ray Rice situation where almost everybody has declared him a wife beater and guilty of domestic abuse…
You still have people who argue that a good spanking or whooping is okay and not considered “child abuse”.
Case in point, just ask all the “child abusers” here in Taiwan whether or not its okay to whack a kid on his hand or behind when he doesn’t get an A on his report card…[/quote]

Yeah, buddy, I think most people would concur that “child abuser or just a loving parent who lost control” are often pretty much the same thing.

You keep using this term “child abuser” like it’s a club you join or some kind of disease you develop.
Her’s how it works.

  1. You abuse a child ([strike]perhaps[/strike] usually by losing control)
  2. You are now a child abuser

No, I think the public is split on whether or not AP is a child abuser or just a loving parent who lost control.
Its not like the Ray Rice situation where almost everybody has declared him a wife beater and guilty of domestic abuse…
You still have people who argue that a good spanking or whooping is okay and not considered “child abuse”.
Case in point, just ask all the “child abusers” here in Taiwan whether or not its okay to whack a kid on his hand or behind when he doesn’t get an A on his report card…[/quote]

Yeah, buddy, I think most people would concur that “child abuser or just a loving parent who lost control” are often pretty much the same thing.

You keep using this term “child abuser” like it’s a club you join or some kind of disease you develop.
Her’s how it works.

  1. You abuse a child ([strike]perhaps[/strike] usually by losing control)
  2. You are now a child abuser[/quote]

I would imagine every parent in the world would be labeled a child abuser then, considering spanking or telling a child to old out an open palm to get slapped can be considered child abuse these days…

Time to go.
Til next week…

No, I think the public is split on whether or not AP is a child abuser or just a loving parent who lost control.
Its not like the Ray Rice situation where almost everybody has declared him a wife beater and guilty of domestic abuse…
You still have people who argue that a good spanking or whooping is okay and not considered “child abuse”.
Case in point, just ask all the “child abusers” here in Taiwan whether or not its okay to whack a kid on his hand or behind when he doesn’t get an A on his report card…[/quote]

Yeah, buddy, I think most people would concur that “child abuser or just a loving parent who lost control” are often pretty much the same thing.

You keep using this term “child abuser” like it’s a club you join or some kind of disease you develop.
Her’s how it works.

  1. You abuse a child ([strike]perhaps[/strike] usually by losing control)
  2. You are now a child abuser[/quote]

I would imagine every parent in the world would be labeled a child abuser then, considering spanking or telling a child to old out an open palm to get slapped can be considered child abuse these days…

Time to go.
Til next week…[/quote]

I’m not going to play, sunshine.
I know you ain’'t a friggin retard, and no matter how hard you try to convince me of that, I ain’t changing me mind.

I do, however, adore it when you start in one the “these days” and “nowadays” business. :grandpa:

Not like the good old days, right gramps?
What are you, like 25?
:roflmao: :roflmao:

You don’t beat a 4 year old till he has welts that bleed on various parts of his body.

AP is a child abuser, what he did was disgusting.

If his behaviour is uncharacteristic, I’m surprised nobody in the press has mentioned the possibility of 'roid rage.

[quote=“Leftywang81”]Everyones saying how they wont inflict physical punishment but no one is giving an alternative.
What are you going to do? Ground them? Take away their iphone and internet? Take away their XBOX?
Yell at them? what if that induces mental problems down the line?

What is your alternative to physical punishment?[/quote]

This discussion seems just about over now, but I did answer this question before. Once a child’s beyond toddlerhood you can withdraw privileges. One reason for doing nice things with your children is so that you can stop doing them when you’re fed up with their behaviour. The go-to punishment in our household used to be no bedtime story, which was more effective than you might imagine. Now it’s loss of computer time. There are many alternative punishments to physical ones, but really the best way of getting your kids to behave is to get them to want to behave.

[quote=“Leftywang81”][quote=“Mick”]Seems like Lefty is disappointed that there might be better parenting techniques than unleashing a can of whoop ass on his child. I’m sorry Lefty, much as you might have been looking forward to slapping a 4 year around, it is actually not only quite unnecessary, but very harmful to the child.

I have a neighbor who can be physically and verbally abusive to his daughter, going around and saying how much he hates her. Everyone has been trying to get him to mellow out, you know she actually is a good kid. But, no surprise shes been kicked out of at least one school, assaulted other kids, shes less than 10 years old. I think she will turn out fine, no thanks to her asshole of a father who thought hitting a kid was the way to go.[/quote]

Please Mick…
Theres a difference between “slapping a 4 year old around” and putting the 4 year old on your lap and giving the rear end a few whacks. Please don’t think I’m advocating “slapping children around” because that not what I’m saying. So if you don’t “beat” your kid. And you can’t “yell” or raise your voice at your kid…[/quote]

Obviously physical discipline of kids should be kept to a minimum
or cut out completely. But I do wonder sometimes if this ‘all physical discipline’ doesn’t work is really rooted in scientific principles.

For instance, most animals physically discipline their progeny, as far as I can tell. I know they don’t have the cognitive capacity that we might have (should have), but its there from evolution.

You harvest whatever you plant. Children learn more from the parents/guardians examples than from their words.
Parents who were never there for them, who dumped kids in nurseries, schools, grandparents teach kids to do the same with the parents/guardians when they get old, just dump the elderly members in some nursing home (payback time will come…)
Parents who slapped/whacked the kids for no good reason can expect the same treatment when they get old and soil the pants accidentally, or can’t eat their meals faster for the convenience of their caregivers/children (payback time will come…)
If you want to create/raise a compassionate human being, be reasonable and treat them they way you want to be treated. You can’t expect the kids to grow up to be virtuous and compassionate peoples if you don’t set the example.
Discipline the kids with scolding, grounding the tv/computer/time with friends, setting some cuff time when they have really messed out and letting them know why you are doing that (consistently) work better than whacking/slapping the kids

So considering how I am the only one who seems “okay” with the idea of spanking and giving my kid a good old fashioned whooping…

Am I wrong to assume that NONE of you were ever physically punished by your parents when you were younger?
I find that pretty hard to believe. And if you were, will you be as quick to label your own parents child abusers as well?

[quote=“Leftywang81”]So considering how I am the only one who seems “okay” with the idea of spanking and giving my kid a good old fashioned whooping…

Am I wrong to assume that NONE of you were ever physically punished by your parents when you were younger?[/quote]

Yeah, totally wrong, Fallacy Boy.
What on earth does one have to do with the other?

[quote=“Rocket”][quote=“Leftywang81”]So considering how I am the only one who seems “okay” with the idea of spanking and giving my kid a good old fashioned whooping…

Am I wrong to assume that NONE of you were ever physically punished by your parents when you were younger?[/quote]

Yeah, totally wrong, Fallacy Boy.
What on earth does one have to do with the other?[/quote]

Apparently, you only have to beat your kids ONCE to be labeled a child abuser, right?
So by definition, if your parents ever physically punished you when you were younger, then they should also be labeled “child abusers”, no?

Sorry, I meant to write “never”

Am I wrong to assume that NONE of you were never physically punished by your parents when you were younger?
I find that pretty hard to believe. And if you were, will you be as quick to label your own parents child abusers as well?

[quote=“Leftywang81”]So considering how I am the only one who seems “okay” with the idea of spanking and giving my kid a good old fashioned whooping…

Am I wrong to assume that NONE of you were ever physically punished by your parents when you were younger?
I find that pretty hard to believe. And if you were, will you be as quick to label your own parents child abusers as well?[/quote]

I find the withdrawal of attention and goodies work well. So does reasoning as a way of avoiding sibling rivalry. I have a 5 year and a 7 year old kid around me a fair bt of the time, and with the tools mentioned above I am able to keep order and keep them behaving.

There are other forms of child abuse nowadays. The government closed some preschools and daycare centers because they were drugging the kids with histamine solution diluted into their juices to “calm” the kids and ease the management of the group. Teachers are no longer spanking kids, parents won’t see bruises or marks on the kids, the caregivers are drugging the kids. The kids sleep or are drowsy during the day, after school hours they are hyperactive and have some dilated pupils (side effects/waning of drug). Some parents take the kids to run a tox examination at some clinic to determine if the blood contains traces of antihistamine. Then the parents report to the government, the government closes the center, the center owner just rent some other place and reopen a new center under a new name.

[quote=“Mr He”][quote=“Leftywang81”]So considering how I am the only one who seems “okay” with the idea of spanking and giving my kid a good old fashioned whooping…

Am I wrong to assume that NONE of you were ever physically punished by your parents when you were younger?
I find that pretty hard to believe. And if you were, will you be as quick to label your own parents child abusers as well?[/quote]

I find the withdrawal of attention and goodies work well. So does reasoning as a way of avoiding sibling rivalry. I have a 5 year and a 7 year old kid around me a fair bt of the time, and with the tools mentioned above I am able to keep order and keep them behaving.[/quote]

Yes of course. I am not here to question your methods. What something works for one parent may not necessarily work for the next.
But I find it interesting that no one is answering my question of whether or not you guys would be quick to label your parents are “child abusers” because of physical punishment they dished out in the past. That is of course, unless your parents NEVER used any form of physical punishment.
Its so easy to call others (AP, Taiwanese parents who believe in spanking or belts) child abusers, but when it comes to your own…