What is 'evil'?

Maybe you can put me on ignore you seem offended.And you’re right the thread is about exorcism. Let’s keep to that.

Stealing is very straightforward. If someone sees something that does not belong to them and takes it that’s stealing. Like if you saw a bike and stole it that would break a commandment and you’d be punished in this life and the next. Unless of course you confessed , asked for forgiveness and were generally repentent.

It’s not what I do it’s scriptual. And yes it’s very Christian to follow scripture. If you don’t like it , that’s irrelevant , the ten commandments are solid.

I said now listen closely , the ten commandments are not a guide. Moses presented them written in stone unless you wish to change the name to “The seven Guidelines.” How about “The Seven suggestions.”. Anyway the post is about possession , you’re a catholic so do you believe in demonic possession yes or no ?

I said “The wages of sin are death” that’s a scriptual quote . Do you even know what that means?

Sure, it’s a rhetorical trap. But you seem to
Think it’s some hard and fast rule of the universe.

Both are make believe things people believe in.

So you’re Old Testament? Because it sounds like you’re New Testament.

And btw how many times are you gonna respond to my one post?

Three? Just the trinity?

My bad. Four. You responded four times to my one post and the first was a suggestion I put you on ignore.

Of all the wonderful things about Christianity to discuss, you pick possession.


Why not charity? Selflessness? Nah, let’s go for the throat! That cutting edge Christian intellectualism: demonic possession! What could go wrong? :expressionless:

I believe the summary of the laws and prophets is to love God, and love others.

The ten commandment is not enough, and if that is your only rule, there’s plenty of stuff you could do that’s evil and unloving but still conform to the ten commandment and various other rules. The pharisees were experts at this. Those rules were there because people were evil by nature and so the rules were given.

So basically, don’t do harm, and try your best to not do harm is what the rules are all about.

The Ten Commandments define evil. Good is defined by The Sermon on the Mount. You can obey The Ten Commandments and not be good but you wouldn’t be evil.

I believe good/evil isn’t just limited to religious books. I think we all have an innate conscience that lets us know if we’ve done evil things. But there’s all kinds of philosophical debates on this and philosophy isn’t my thing.

However, the ten commandment is pretty good at defining what’s evil, but it’s a simple version. I think “thou shall not commit adultery” applies to same sex or even poly relationships too. Basically what we call “cheating”.

However I wouldn’t call sexual immorality “evil”, it’s immoral, but not necessarily evil. It can be evil if it violates trust (cheating).

I would suspect that’s not really the case for the vast majority of Christians.

You really think someone rises to the level of evil for not holding the Sabbath or using the lords name in vain? :laughing:

Someone could follow the 10 commandments and still be a sadistic torturer of baby pandas, no?

True. But Jesus made it clear that obeying the commandments is the key to salvation:

A certain ruler asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

. . . Jesus answered. “. . . You know the commandments: ‘You shall not commit adultery, you shall not murder, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother.”
Luke 18:20

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Religious rules are simple but allows zero flexibility. Is anyone expected to honor an abusive parent?


And some of those Korean horror movies also wow WTF I never get scared but they scare me.

I meet more stupid people than evil people so I think stupid is getting capitalized on by evil people.

And …. Possibly Most of the things you like to do :grinning:

You honor them by staying as far away as possible

It’s difficult to define like what is good?

I think to start answering this question, you have to start with answering if you believe there is an objective evil or good. If you do not believe that it’s objective and it’s subjective, there is no reason to further try to define it as it doesn’t exist.

If you do believe there is objective good and evil you then need to question what these standards are based on or who/what gave such objective standards.

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But it is possible we can agree on a standard, which we then can objectively follow.