What Movies Are You Watching? —2017—

Pulp Fiction.

Oldie but a goodie— memories of high school. Watching it in Taipei on Sunday. Never got to see it in the theater. Hoping it still holds up :slight_smile:

Just rewatched it recently myself, and while some scenes seem a little quaint, overall it holds up pretty well. And the structure is brilliant. First saw it at an art house theater in a double feature with Trainspotting. Now that was a double feature!

Nice…I’m looking forward to watching it. I did see Trainspotting in the theater…Renton diving into the toilet bowl scene had us talking/laughing for days :slight_smile:

Wifey and i watched BOSS BABY yesterday. Pretty funny
Kid movie but …she likes kid movies.

Looking forward to This is not what I expected. After being pleasantly surprised with See you tomorrow, I am more optimistic. And this one did not spend half the budget in vodka!


I still amazes me that the Fast and Furious franchise has made it to…8 films. Nonetheless, they are still very entertaining.

All in all, I think I would’ve skipped this one if it wasn’t for the discounted tickets I can get at the theater. Stunts lived up to the fast and furious franchise, but this one had some aspects of the movie that just made no sense like…

Jason Statham’s character, Deckard Shaw, joins Dom’s team, the only person who has a major issue with him is The Rock’s character, Hobbes. Did the rest of the crew forget that Deckard killed Han in Tokyo Drift? Whaaaaat?

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Yeah, you got that right!..went to watch it last night and the theater was almost full…on a Monday night!!! :scream: …saw all previous 7 installments so I just had to go watch this one too. Good movie, very entertaining, action packed but it is starting to wear out a little bit on me though…and they have Green-Lighted two additional sequels already!!

Some of the comedy scenes were not that funny (to me at least!)…drew some forced laughter out of the audiences and Tyrese Gibson’s character is really beginning to bug the hell out of me! …and…

…what is up with the scriptwriters…they just keep changing the storylines at the drop of a pen (or a stroke of a keyboard)…one day Deckard is this bad ass villain and the next he becomes this angel who obeys his mom so that he can kick ass side-by-side with his brother to bring down a villain who appeared out of nowhere…and I was wondering too how Deckard killed Han and they are all ok with that??

Yeah well, at the end of the day you really can’t think too hard, or for that matter think, with a Fast and Furious movie. It’s stupid fun, emphasis on both the stupid and the fun. But for what it wants to be - a mindless popcorn flick - it does exceedingly well.

Word on the street is The Rock and Jason Statham’s characters are getting their own FF spin-offs.

FF , saw it with the wifey. At her insistence. STupid ass F.U.N. movie with no basis in reality whatsoever !

Just plain old STUPID ASS FUN :slight_smile:
And I guess that is why people go see em.

Went to watch Dangal, an Indian movie about wrestling. Pretty good movie!

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A lot of beautiful scenery. Good show.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2: What do you think?

Don’t forget the spoiler function. I still need to see it.

I heard it’s just as fun experience as the first.

There was a large crowd this morning for Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Definetively on my list. But sorry, went to see This is not what I expected. It was all right. Ther wer like 20 of us in the theater, which is not bad, for that ungodly hour. Funny thing is that the two Taiwanese women who sat next to me, first thing they did, is take out what looked initially like beer -let’s be charitable and say it was malt, my eyes not good in twilight. Then, when the movie started, they provided blow by blow commentary, hillarious actually. I miss the community experience of watching movies back home, with people cheering for the hero or sneering at the bad guys… or howling when handsome guys/beautiful women go on screen. Well, these two almost catcalled Takeshi in every scene, and - I kid you not - once or twice took out their phones and snapped a picture of his image on the screen. :howyoudoin:

Aside from that, the trailers for coming movies went from promising to kaput. Really psyched about Wonder Woman.

Also, hey will play again the 1994 version of Ghost in the Shell. Since I have never seen it on the big screen, this will be so cool!

Oh, and Dunkirk is going to be epic.

But that new King Arthur movie… Are we pandering so much or is it Hollywood still thinks they can make inroads in China’s movie market? That is so 20 years ago… Anyways, despite the hunks appearing, the kung fu training session qualifies in my book as an insult. Hell no. Guy Ritchie, what the heck?!

Saw Ghost in the Shell on the big screen when it first came out. Definitely a work of visual art.

Yep. Imagine all the panoramic scenes on teh big screen. Wooo!

It’s very fun. Kind of a narrative jumble - the story wanders a lot (often trading in jokes at the expense of pausing the story, making it feel a little start-n-stop) and frequently loses focus. But the rate of jokes are rapid fire and there’s rarely a dull moment.

Was it better or as fresh as the first? No. But it’s definitely a good, fun time and worth the trip to the theater.


Saw it. Worth it. Liked it.

However, the first’s plot better, but the second won it in the joke’s department.

Really hard to say which soundtrack is better though…

I haven’t stopped listening to it on Spotify since I saw the movie last week.

I didn’t like…

How they immediately figured out how to kill Ego. 1 second they were clueless, the next they were like, destroy his core with these batteries I stole!

That @Rocket is still an a-hole.

Wife wants to see Guardians. I don’t, but we have some fandango coupons that will take the sting of the tickets away.

Rented LION and saw it at home. Not a bad movie really. Not a bad movie .

See it if you get the chance.

I have not been THIS RELIEVED for a movie in a while. So glad that Wonder Woman is actually an explosive, fun, action-fueled, funny, thrilling, human movie. Mostly I’m relieved that it’s just good. We also haven’t had such an optimistic, playful superhero in the DC universe since Christopher Reeves.

GO SEE IT. Thank me later.