What movies are you watching in 2020?

Well if he was tall and hot I would forgive him for being as funny as an ingrown toenail.

On my short list

Shoot, how could I forget ‘Scrooged’ with Bill Murray? That’d be number 3 and ‘Bad Santa’ goes down to 4.

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Kevin Hart is decent. But Chapelle is the GOAT. To me, it’s not even close. Kevin is perhaps more marketable for the general public.

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I watched a movie called Black Box on Amazon prime movies. It’s far from a perfect movie, but the plot is really interesting and it’s definitely something different. It’s worth a watch.

I was very surprised by Kiki’s Delivery Service. I knew it was a classic and had been wanting to watch it for some time and decided to give it a go. It really is something else.

The soundtrack is a close rival to Totoro, but Totoro has that edge above all Miyazaki films with dat theme song.


Next up, I have to see Princess Mononoke and Howl’s Moving Castle. FYI they’re all currently on Netflix.


I have seen Pricness Mononoke a bunch of times and it’s awesome every time. It just lacks the soundtrack that the others have, otherwise it would be a bit higher up on my list of Miyazaki films. The story is top notch though.

I haven’t gotten around to Howl’s. It’s also on my watch list.


I watched this Spanish movie on Netflix, The Occupant. It was almost exactly like parasite. I was an entertaining movie but idk if they just copied it or what.

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Talk to Her (Hable con ella) - I have no idea how to rate this. One of the most bizarre films I’ve seen. One the one hand the infamous b&w vagina scene (still makes me shiver) and its disturbing rape storyline made me extremely uncomfortable, but it was overall engrossing and had some spectacular tender moments (e.g. Cucurrucucu Paloma). I guess I should rate it highly if only for having strong reactions over it instead of feeling bored.


Finally started working my way through the DCEU. I’m very unimpressed so far and not sure I’ll bother carrying on.

What I’ve seen so far:

  1. Superman Returns: Not part of the DCEU, but as a big fan of the first Superman movies, I was curious to see what this would be like. To my immense surprise, I thought it was pretty good. The cast did a great job of continuing in the playful down-to-earth style of the originals. Not a great film by any means, but it kind of felt like my Superman was back which I appreciated. Especially in light of…

  2. Man of Steel: Boring. Long. Depressing. A film about a dark brooding Superman smashing buildings. I hated it. Probably the worst superhero film I’ve ever seen. It isn’t technically as bad as, say, Batman & Robin, but at least that film didn’t take itself seriously and had some entertainment value. This film has absolutely no redeeming features and made me physically angry because it was like they abandoned everything that made the original Superman films so good.

  3. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Ultimate Edition): Another boring and depressing piece of crap, but at least this one had a story. I didn’t hate it as much as I hated MoS. I felt like there were some good ideas, like how they dealt with the fallout from MoS. Ultimately, it was rubbish because they tried to do too much with it, presumably to rush out their equivalent of Marvel’s Avengers franchise. Ben Affleck was a good Batman and might have delivered if he was introduced in his own film, instead of three hours(!) of build-up to Justice League.

  4. Suicide Squad: I actually liked the first half and thought it might be the much-needed light at the end of the tunnel with its fun tone and interesting characters coming together. Unfortunately, the second half degenerated into typical DCEU boring drivel with little logic and an overdrawn and forgettable final battle. Also, Jared Leto’s Joker was horrible.

Do things improve from here? I’m literally dreading the prospect of enduring another Zack Snyder bore-fest in Justice League (which seems to be the most badly received and meddled-with of all three of his DCEU films).


The only thing worth watching about this so-called universe is Henry Cavill’s huge tits.

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I haven’t watched any of them (OK, except for Dawn of Justice on a plane, with the sound off), but I’ve heard that the second Suicide Squad is actually kind of fun. Definitely not great, perhaps not even good, but kind of fun.

But my goodness, why put yourself through this?!

Odd how, in 1989, I was so eager for the gritty “new” style (in film anyway) of Tim Burton’s Batman. Now I’m just nostalgic for the Adam West variant.

Oh, wait, Wonder Woman. That was pretty good. Usual dumb final-act stuff of two gods fighting one another with no reason for one to win over the other, but eventually one does, but otherwise enjoyable. And Aquaman wasn’t all that far off Adam West in fun absurdity, with sillier muscles.

Helpful hint: switch from watching superhero movies to films made for actual adults. :grin:

Almodóvar is well known for including graphic sex scenes, plus quite a few disturbing rapes.

And yet still, very moving storylines. They are actually not that gratituous, but still you will I wish you had skipped that scene, but you can’t because yes, it is crucial to understanding the puta historia.

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His smile dear, more than his pectoralis major…

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If I were you, I’d watch the animated DC movies. Very good storylines. Most entertaining. I luv the Red Hood.

And yes, they are for adults.

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You know what the problem with these superhero films is? They are actually made for adults when they should be made for children or, at least, all ages. I agree with @lostinasia above. I miss the fun and silliness of Adam West’s Batman and Christopher Reeve’s Superman.

I suppose this belongs in the TV thread, but I’ve heard very good things about the current animated Harley Quinn series - and, going back a couple of decades (?), the Batman one. Whichever it was that featured Mark Hamill as the Joker.