What music are you listening to? (music edition)

Pretty sure ive posted this before :smile: its good though

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Newcastle rap is hard AF. Why isn’t the audience feeling it? :thinking:


Thats part of the appeal :grin:

OK, I see it now. The stoic reception is bad AF.

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Check out baby dee, she is great.

As for the stoic reception, that makes me respect the performer so much more. In fact the way he continues without recognition is a part of the magic

Punk harp isn’t a genre I’m familiar with, but BD definitely has my attention. :sunglasses:

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If she didnt have interest from the milk machine my worldview would crumble :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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What can I say? I’m a cow of eclectic tastes. Anything authentic has my interest.

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Me too. Lil wayne and r kelly, but yea baby dee,:grin: her songs are from the heart

Saw this guy live and got to chat with him cause the audience was about five people. Definetly something special

Best guitar ever by some dude in a white prom tux…

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Short description of the show and set list on this sales site.

Looks like the club “Jam” on the back side of Shinjuku is permanently closed.


Kind of got lost in the dust here.


new bill wurtz after a full year. love his compositions, so absurd and feel-good unique.

I takes me several listens to get into a Tool album, still not there with the new one but man I can groove on the last one; this is my favourite to sing along to

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That’s because 10,000 days is original and good and the last album is neither.

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I did notice it sounded a lot like previous albums, but I hated Lateralus until I loved it. 10000 days though, so good.

In my case I immediately liked 10,000 days and The Pot. There are other more boring/difficult to digest songs in the album but overall it’s an interesting production.

As for Lateralus, people praised it but it took me a while to appreciate it more.