What music are you listening to? (music edition)

I feel like singing today, see if my vocal chords still work. This is a fun album, good tunes (RIP MH)

Actually, I’m only enjoying it half as much as I remember, ended up skipping most of it and putting on 10000 Days again

Yesterday it was mainly classical music in the car. Listened to this among other popular compositions:

And realized how heavy / death metal it was. Had to look for metal covers and bingo:

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Danny Elfman is back and dark as ever. He’s been releasing a new music video about every month for the past 4 or so months now. This is his latest.

Yesssss. I like the shredness of the third one. And the top down drum cam that comes with it.

Not quite my cup of tea but I do appreciate the energy. Are you familiar with Mr. Bungle? It seems similar (but Mike Patton brings a lot of melody to his music)

Can anyone recommend a Taiwanese Hard rock/metal band?

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holy sh*t this song is good

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Nice. Reminds me of Wall of Voodoo.

playing this way too loud and head banging alone while my wife sleeps

Beautiful playing. Now imagine she’s masturbating. You can’t unsee it.


nice. i was listening to chopin’s nocturnes today while working.

Nocturnal emissions music. :relaxed:

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Yeeesssss… :relieved:

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Spiritual eargasm…

I prefer the upbeat stuff

Shankar can shred

Thanks @yyy for putting this one in my head, it’s a good 'un

“the air was thick with cat calls (no pun intended)”


If you understand the lyrics enjoy it!
If you don’t, enjoy it too :wink:

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The bass…

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