What music are you listening to? (music edition)


I was laughing at that cover (and others) these days with a mate. Pretty funny all these black metal covers.

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Now, disclaimer. I was third row Jerry side for this show at the Boston Garden. Hornsby was on grand piano and the new keyboard guy was turned down as he was learning the ropes still, IMHO.

First set was great, short, but a nice long jams with Jerry and Bruce. The second set though. Help on the Way> Slipknot (instrumental) usually finished with Franklin’s Tower. On this day it did not. The band seamlessly eased into Fire on the Mountain, which never happened before and never happened since. The shock at about 12:25 registered immediately, and maaaaaaan it was a fun night.

Enjoy. I listened to this on the attics app and it was an audience recording. This one sounds like a soundboard. Again…enjoy!

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Opening bass line and the name gets an instant like there, nice

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Disco funk from an alternate universe. :relaxed:

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i encourage you to be the 115th view on this band i’m pushing them hard since i fell in love a couple months ago

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and the 71st view

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Feeling the shoegaze, but the singers sound like they’ve slammed about 1,000 colas.

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I’d like it based on your devotion only, but they earned that one based on the song for sure. That is frikjen awesome

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I was thinking that, very my bloody valentine

The second song is like spaghetti Western surf rock with more cola overdose lyrics.

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i think the project is just one or two people and they release most stuff on their soundcloud. but i appreciate that they flip between grindcore, hyperpop, shoegaze, deathmetal, postpunk all in one song sometimes. yeah they’re sick. this record is pretty hit and miss but it gets good at the track ‘toxic droplet’ for like a solid 4 tracks and then lets off, gets p decent at the end again.

again v hit and miss but the hits are bang on

k last one

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Reminds me of these guys, who I love.

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i know the camel is so death grips wannabe but i love it. i think of it more as an homage.

edit: which is actually a massive compliment being compared to death grips lol