What music are you listening to? (music edition)

Forgot about this album… and I listened to it quite a few times when I was young and had really long hair!

Very soulful and moving…

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What in the…
How in the hell did none of you tell me about this band? Shameless, the lot of you.

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Lots of their songs on here. Somebody wasn’t paying attention… :slightly_smiling_face:

Is this not one of the funniest music videos?

I mean it’s good old commercial rock n roll

I dare you to watch and listen closely


Didn’t he commit suicide or something?

Anyway he’s one of those people who died

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She’s so damn smooooooth n cool.

Also dead.

How the hell does she do that?

Nice music to listen to at my desk today. Rain outside no not taking a walk today.
Thanks for the link.

Ah the dead at 27 club isn’t it?

Those lyrics.

Remind me of a woman I know and still know but gone.

She kept f****** herself in the head with stupid men instead of sticking with this man. Granted I was also f****** myself in the head with stupid women.

“Even if I stop wanting you
A perspective pushes through
I’ll be some next man’s other woman soon
I cannot play myself again
I should just be my own best friend
Not fuck myself in the head with stupid men”

Love this



Very relaxing. :+1: