What roasts yer burnt nuts?

  • I’m a Louisa fan, funky sweat smells don’t interfere with my Black card points and 75nt Oat Latte
  • Starbucks is the ONE and only, they have my name on printer stickers ready to go, Everybody knows Starbucks invented coffee.
  • 85C,if it doesn’t burn your throat then its not coffee
  • Donutes is the biz, I never get farther North than Taichung. Besides they have mojitos now.
  • Hilife then it’s a toss up between 7 and Family Mart. I see a buy one get second 50% off I am on that sucker.
  • Independent coffee with or without furry animals. No children though. Can’t stand those wild animals.
  • Dante , Ikari and Barista, yeah I’m old school
  • I dont drink burnt nuts, are you crazy

0 voters


There’s nothing further to say lol

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Kirkland brand made myself, can’t beat the price or convenience


Yes brewing at home can be fun, though I am no Kirkland Coffee fan.

Lately I’ve been fooling around with beans picked up during my recent travels, including a bag of “Allpress Espresso Blend” roasted in Melbourne. It’s a medium roast consisting primarily of beans from the Americas, and with slightly cooled down water poured into a Bodum / French Press, it yields a pleasant sweet cup. :yum:



None of the options apply to me, so I didn’t vote.

Rarely an iced latte from Cama. Probably more often now that summer heat is coming around.

But otherwise almost always coffee is made at home with a French press, usually from the various Costco organic varieties (wife really likes organic …), occasionally from Partner Coffee, a small chain that I believe is only in Danshui.

Oh and the instant Starbucks sachets in my office once in a while.


I just got a 320NT little French press for the office

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Despite the content of my post above, I actually voted for Louisa, with a particular shout-out to the rare locations scattered about with white signage serving white bagged beans, which can be brewed in the shops, providing some of the wildest fermented high notes I’ve encountered with the Colombia and Panama beans. Cost: NT$105 per cup. Crazy stuff!



Hey, better than instant Starbucks!

I tried that for a while, but having ground coffee beans available, and more importantly clean-up, was too much hassle.

You are setting the bar too low. :rofl:


I got the nicest looking tin at Carrefour to start, and can either keep that full out of my large Kirkland 3lb tins or get random beans as I go to top up the tin

I was gonna dump the grounds in my office trash can to get that cafe scent and then rinse, but have always just sent the grounds down the kitchen sink and that’s what I’ve done so far

In my early days, I also followed this technique, thinking that those sinks are set up like the ones in Canuckstan. One day I saw that the sink I had been using was out of service, with the cheap plastic drainage pipe broken off from the weight of accumulated coffee grinds dumped by yours truly. :yikes:


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At my apartment i have not done the sink method for this reason, but at work I’m using a small French press and rarely, so I might risk it

Eh, as @afterspivak just suggested, that may be a bad idea, and it’s certainly not what I do at home. Plus the nearest kitchen sink is five floors away.

I’ve tried washing up in the bathroom sinks that are on my floor, but the grind I use for the French Press is too coarse for that. They’re not even going down the drain unless I unscrew the plug.

If you want that sink to remain in service, perhaps consider dumping the grinds into the trash or the food composting bin.

Your coworkers will thank you—in a way that my former coworkers will not have thanked me!


The only coffee I have is coffee ice cream lol.


There were so few grounds in the bottom that it didn’t seem worth trying to scoop them out, and the sink is just around the corner

I did, but so little there

They can thank my for helping to scour the pipes with a few little grounds :wink:

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Well . . . since you don’t do it at home, I think you understand the possible outcomes. I’ll leave it at that. :slightly_smiling_face:


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Who voted for 85C :slight_smile:?

I drink family Mart coffee the most

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I want to know who voted for Hilife? :rofl:
