What the hell is going on in South Africa?

They’re happy because they’re not in South Africa! You always hear expats from the US, UK, Australia, Canada, etc. bitching about wanting to go back to their home country. Not all, but enough. I’ve known a number of South African expats over the years in both Taiwan and Korea. Not one expressed wishes to return home. I think they’re all either living in Asia or moved to some other western country.


Don’t know enough about the Black perspectives on this. I’m sure it’s a mixed bag for them and the MSM narrative of finally overcoming oppression is a lot more muddled in reality.

I do know when you have about 20% of the population controlling about 90% of the wealth and power (whites during apartheid) and suddenly there’s a redistribution of power and wealth to more accurately fit the demographics… then that means those whites who were living well before are now sacrificing a lot. They’re not happy about that. I can’t say I blame them. Apartheid was not sustainable, but there were probably smarter and more inclusive ways to abolish it.

Let’s not forget about the guy that Zuma called the “future leader” of South Africa.


Kind of is already. There are small enclaves now with solar energy for 24/7 electricity and their own militias it seems


My boss’s wife is SA and had also a SA colleague, both white and with the former English heritage while the second Afrikaans. Both left long time ago, but have very different views:

  1. My boss and the wife still love SA, but their view is privileged as they own a farm with a small winery in a very fancy area north of Cape Town which is basically secluded from the country, super strict and heavy private security, literally a private army, barbed wire all over the place, private generators for electricity. They agree outside is rough, but keep saying “as long as you have the security in place, it’s a great country”…

  2. My former colleague left and went straight to HK, never been back to SA since 2010 and not regretting it. She is very worried about her family who is still in SA, but now travel often to HK to see her and her husband. She has only bad words for the country (read government) but always tears up when talking about the many beautiful places there.

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Between those two stories… I see a clear “apartheid” still happening

Lol :joy:


Yeah, I’ve heard of Orania. It’s a pity that it’s heading in that direction, but there’s only so much mayhem that people will put up with before they say “bugger this for a game of soldiers” and make their own arrangements.

I don’t feel one bit sorry for white South Africans. You shouldn’t be complaining when you acquired your wealth through exploitation.

Why not? Because of their skin colour? Apartheid ended three decades ago. Nobody under 50 had any hand in it. If a 20-year-old girl gets raped, exactly how does the colour of her skin suggest she was asking or it?

I’m utterly appalled at the overt racism in modern society. Humza Yousaf just went off on a despicable rant about “white people” and not one person stood up and called him a bigot. At some point we need to get past this nonsense about skin colour and deal with real-world problems.


Your ability to sympathize with people depends on their skin color? :thinking:


My assertion is limited to property. Rape and human life are different issues and never justified.

They still inherit the gains from the apartheid system. You can’t be surprised at exploited people demanding their property back.

My sister worked in SA for a while. She called me one day from a shopping center. They were locked down because someone with a gun was robbing the place.

She also got moved out of a gated apartment complex and into another because her and her coworkers were being targeted, for robbery i assume.

She wasn’t being paid enough to go there.

Zimbabwe is another place equally fucked up. The local people took all the grocery stores off of the Indians and ran them into the ground. Now in many places there are no stores, just old African woman selling toothpaste and detergent at the side of the road. The Indians, who had been there several centuries, have all immigrated back to India. Paul Theroux writes very well about the problems of Africa, Dark Star Safari in particular.


That’s an interesting way to frame it.

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This is the cost of democracy in third world country. Some other countries will be ruled by fundamentalist, fascistic, military junta, anarchist or communist (self claimed socialist).

That makes no sense at all. Taiwan was a democracy and third world country, as was South Korea. There are quite a few stable democracies which are still third world countries.

Then became developed pretty quickly since it became a democracy…

Again… see above

Strong democracy is what makes a country rich


The authoritarian right in Taiwan and South Korea transform into democracy after long period of relative peace.
And don’t forget, both primarily single ethnic states.


You do know that Germany in 1933 vote for Hiltre to raise in power, right?
That’s democracy.