What to do when I get there

Well she wants to go back to work straight away, We have a 5 month old and it is getting hard here so that’s another reason we are leaving Australia. Will go to school of course to start speaking some Chinese, last time I went there I was still able to communicate in English with most of the people but I really need Chinese as well

Good, you can be Mr. Mom like the movie.


low hanging fruit, doctor. I applaud you.

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Only when I wear boxers.


the beauty of boxer-briefs. all the comfort of the former, all the security of the latter.

I think I might go for a stand at the market first, I am pretty sure my mother in law will help me with the Chinese :joy::joy::joy: she’ll be my front line soldier lol

If you do some good sausage and maybe cured meats you have a potential mail order market here already.


Maybe see if this guy wants stuff locally made? https://gustotw.oddle.me/zh_TW/ I think everything at the shop is imported, much from Spain because of pig meat from Italy restrictions (last time I went there anyway)

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Importing the pig from Italy is expensive. Just make italian meats with Taiwanese pork so i dont have to take a mortgage every time i wanna buy actual Salami.


Found a gig! Pizza stand at campaign rallies. :howyoudoin: @Omar91

I love Democratic Progressive Pizza Parties!


Yeah I know my wife was telling me that

How about opening a basic general Italian food stand? Figure out what you can sell. It’ll take flexibility and time to get it right but I think you can make it.

Good luck to you with your move!



You basically have the “authenticity” angle covered. If you work as hard as anybody else you have a much better than average chance at being successful.


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Join this FB site. If I recall from my time in Taichung, there are a couple places (delis) that advertise. Might help

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Taichung City Guide: Compass Magazine 台中康百視雜誌

Thanks to everyone for so many replies, you guys helped a lot and hopefully I will get some more replies in the near future. We are thinking to open up a stall but obviously it won’t be easy at the Start

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I also want Piadina. It’s not a thing here and I think Taiwanese would like it. Just call it 義大利捲餅 or something.

I would invest real money into a piadina stall.