What TV are you watching (2020)?


So it’s “Ray” Seehorn, whaddayaknow. She rocks

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I also didn’t like season 1 and first half of season 2, but I think the writing got better afterwards, some of it is really clever and a lot of the jokes are actually quite funny imo. I also enjoy the random celebrity cameos.

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Belgravia. Similar historical drama like Downton Abbey and others, but more intriguing so far into the S01E02.

What’s this Tiger King thing.

I like Bojack a lot, and I also wasn’t a fan of Todd. His stupid humor seemed at odds with the show tonally. I just found him annoying. But a lot of other fans seem to like him, so what do I know?

Stick around to season 4 and it gets really good.

Which was worse??

  • Shameless after Fiona left
  • The Office after Michael left

0 voters

Probably will watch some today. It seems they started doing the documentary well before things went south, which is interesting.

The Office is just worse in general…

I’m four episodes into Amazon Prime’s The Boys: another in the long list “But what if superheroes were real and gritty?!” shows / books / movies out there. General premise is the superheroes are out of control, and our protagonists are trying to take them down. We know they’re out of control because our central character’s girlfriend is murdered horribly by one in an opening scene. Gee, a hero motivated by his romantic partner’s death. That’s original.

The show itself … very dark, very cynical, sometimes very gory and sexually explicit (often at the same time, be warned) in ways that may be amusing for some but are just kind of depressing for me. When I was in my 20s I’d probably have been amused by the sex acts of Mr. Fantastic or the Incredible Shrinking Man, but now it’s just sort of yucky. Homelander, the Superman analogue, is rapidly becoming terrifying, and I like that. I’m having trouble with the world-building, because it assumes the world exactly as is right now - MS-13, Syrian Civil War - despite the longstanding presence of godlike super beings, and one of my favorite things about Watchmen has always been the way it takes the timeline in a radically different direction around 1950, when Dr. Manhattan was created.

It’s filling the same slot as Season 1 of Altered Carbon did for me: I don’t think it’s all that good, but I keep watching, so there must be something that I’m enjoying.

Comparing superhero genre with mafia genre: If Watchmen (graphic novel or TV series, NOT MOVIE!) is The Godfather, I guess The Boys is … I dunno … The Sopranos if Christopher or Paulie had taken over the crew.


The premise was interesting enough to hold my attention for a few episodes, but that was it. Just too juvenile.

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I wonder how old I was when “edgy and adult!” switched over to “juvenile” … maybe age 30? Around the same time that staying up until sunrise became something for kids rather than for grown-ups, I suppose.

Karl Urban may be the main reason I’m still watching. I like him a lot as an actor - really good at totally disappearing into a role, sort of like Gary Oldman I suppose - and I’d like to see him become a bigger star. Not that the character he’s playing in The Boys is all that interesting.

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Tiger King is mental. It’s fucking with my head!

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I did and I binged the rest and you are absolutely right. It got so good. The writing is absolutely phenomenal. Many episodes are legit god-tier stuff.

I like all the main characters (and actually most of the side characters) except Todd, who despite becoming slightly more tolerable in later seasons still annoyed me.

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Watching Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness now.

Bizarre real life story. Like discovery channel produced by mental patients on psychedelic drugs.

He’s been filming his life for years so makes for authentic documentary leading up to now.

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Tiger King.

Maybe the most bizarre real life story you will see in a lifetime.

Miracle Workers

Anthology type series with the same cast. First season Steve Buscemi is God and the other cast members are angels helping to manage earth. Second season is set in the dark ages with some modern twists. Quirky, but fun. Makes me think of the movies Wayne’s World, Dude Where’s My Car, Austin Powers. You know, stuff that is fun to turn your mind on zero and just be entertained briefly without having to consider life or your own life choices.

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Killing Eve

Killing Eve

Excellent British spy series staring Sandra Oh (Grey’s Anatomy) and Jodie Comer. Brilliantly played and very exciting. Great spy series with strong leading women.

Dispatches From Elsewhere

This is based on the 2013 documentary film The Institute reconstructing the story of the “Jejune Institute”, an alternate reality game set in San Francisco, through interviews with the participants and the creators. The game was produced in 2008 by Oakland based artist Jeff Hull. Over the course of three years, it enrolled more than 10,000 players who, responding to eccentric flyers plastered all over the city, started the game by receiving their “induction” at the fake headquarters of the Institute, located in an office building in San Francisco’s Financial District.

It’s a really quirky, introspective series. My wife hates it, but I really like it.

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Star Trek Picard

I thoroughly enjoyed this series. Good to have Patrick Stewart back doing Star Trek. The series has been renewed for a second season.

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I never saw the original movie, but it had good reviews. I was watching TV the other day and saw the trailer for this series based on the movie. I’ll give it a watch.