What would the KKK think about a white man and Asian woman couple?

In my defense, I don’t answer him because I don’t see his posts. There was a glitch on the one I responded to and I sadly saw it.

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No, just scolding from the kind of woke progressives I imagine made that chart :slight_smile: Let’s just say “scolding”!

The more extreme elements on the left, the kind of people who are farther from my position.

Woke progressives in general :slight_smile:

That’s one thing, but there’s more. As an example, how about tying various relief efforts to racial tests? That’s not what we were promised after the inauguration, I remember it clearly. It’s not Obama or Clinton anymore.

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Thank you for sharing.

If I understand your metaphor we should focus on the cause. I have to imagine what people are talking when they say the party is beholden to them since no one will say who.

So is the cause of left wing extremism the masses on Twitter and the politicians are beholden to them? If they are that’s not a good way to get re-elected.

Thank you for responding. I don’t find it convincing that the party is beholden to woke progressives in general.

Can you share some links?

What’s a “perfectbimage”? A bisexual sorcerer of lawful good persuasion?

I assume you have an answer to the Squad.

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The only one that you refer to with a first name only is H. Clinton. Why is that?

They’re not influential. See them more in right wing media than anywhere else. Pelosi shuts down AOC when she’s noisy.

There have been a few things like that, and that’s just one example. There was one the other day about environmental relief programs, though they’re being more careful now than with some of the COVID relief things they did that I believe were struck down (as they’re obviously against civil rights law). It’s ridiculous anyway, if that relief is needed it’s needed equally by everyone it’s impacting. It’s a perfect example of how stupid the privilege concept can be. How about we just help all the people who need it (as was specifically promised after the inauguration, and we might have expected from a centrist Democrat surely?) Those groups who are over-represented will be proportionately covered. I’ll be happy to bring up what examples come up.

If we’re talking about redressing historical wrongs, let’s do that in an appropriate way and not by tying it to these specific aid programs where all people being impacted now are suffering.


Yes, the cause. And if people are talking about name dropping politicians, I think they are completely avoiding the cause and jumping right to the symptoms.

This, to me, is obviously more about ego than actually discussing solving the problem. What makes me feel sad is that this is pretty much the status quo. even in really trivial things, but especially with things that are actually important.

They’re electorally important. Just as Trump was/is to the GOP. Of course they’re influential.

Fair. Point was the leadership is openly extremist that only encourages further extremism.

I’d really like to understand why people think the way they do. And if they can’t explain then I will end up drawing some of my own conclusions.

I agree with hansioux on the corruption of the first past the post two party system. It’s not like I think democrats are perfect, but we only have two options and the other side is really really shit and dangerous. That doesn’t make me a leftist woke progressive extremist for saying so. If we could solve it with ranked choice voting, I’d be all for it.

To an extent but they aren’t runners up for president. Nuance is important here.

That’s a fact, not nuance.

Nuance meaning Ted Cruz is many times more influential than AOC in his party and he openly tried to overturn a lawful election.

I think many asian countries often have xenophobic views against foreigners anyway!

A large proportion of Asians girls (especially Chinese) -but not all of them- are xenophobic but have fetish for white man.

KKK white men are xenophobic but have fetish for Asian girls.

Perfect match

Practically the whole Democratic party just spent 4 years trying to overturn a lawful election. I’d rather it be openly to tell you the truth!


I’ve forgotten her name, but would the Republican woman who shags anything with a pulse while preaching morality be a better comparison?

EDIT: Got it, Marjorie Taylor Greene

False equivalence.