What would you do for a story for a competition?

So I’ve done about 4 stories now and all of them get a :eh: or :aiyo: or :thumbsdown: or :astonished: or :s response from my boss.

So if you had to write up a 2-3 minute English story for a story competition, what would you do?

Make it sexy.

Put terrorists in it.

And a puppy.

A sexy terrorist with big puppies called Chemical Sally.

[quote=“Okami”]So I’ve done about 4 stories now and all of them get a :eh: or :aiyo: or :thumbsdown: or :astonished: or :s response from my boss.

So if you had to write up a 2-3 minute English story for a story competition, what would you do?[/quote]

[list=]Tell us more about what you’ve written so far.
Tell us what your bosses comments are
Explain what you mean by 2-3 minutes. Stories are usually done by count or A4 page[/list]

That’ll do for starters

And (as mentioned in that other thread) don’t forget the car chase…

… a sexy car chase.

with puppies being chased

Make your boss the (sexy) protagonist of the story.*

*If this ends badly ie you get sacked or something, don’t blame me.

“If I was a benevolent dictator, I would…”

… and in the end, he turns into a cat.
They won’t expect that.

I slept until noon. Then I went shopping at Sogo with mummy. It was sunny, so we skittered about under the awnings with special UV protection umbrellas. You can expound of course, but you get the gist.
You’re doing it for yourself, write about what you know. You’re doing it for them, write about what they know.

Or you could write about helping your friend reclaim his lawn after a typhoon and rescuing a backhoe that fell off the road, but she’ll just reject it, saying “you need to write about real life.”
You’re dealing with braindead morons, don’t forget. Give 'em what they want.

8-legged, purple headed monsters are always good.

What’s the competition exactly?

These are just a few ideas of the top of my head, you can take them or leave them:

  • A giant goldfish that’s actually made out of plastic bags.

  • A fully stocked 7-11 that hurtles through space on an asteroid… staffed by the original cast of the Taiwanese ‘Meteor Garden’ drama.

  • A vegan that gets beat up by a gang wearing vegtable costumes.

  • Taiwanese gangs who play scooter joust wearing pirate hats, the aim of the game is to knock the parrot of the other rider’s shoulder.