What would you do?

the missus knows very well to Never ask if I want to go to one of those horrible places.
doctors should recommend them to patients with severe constipation issues


telling taiwanese in taiwan to speak english because you(or whoever) can’t speak chinese. not sure where the pussy whip rant came from…

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That answer was too easy.

my gf hast one hotty friend i’m never invited to meet. :rofl: i have to watch what i say when she shows me her IG pics too. i said the wrong thing last time and she was pissed for a good while.


Am I the only foreigner that likes it?
I’ve especially like the sour cabbage one. I’d pay full price just to drink the broth.
I can eat four or five giant plates of shrimp, so I get my money’s worth.


Nope. What’s not to like? You choose the items you want and make a soup


I don’t really like having guys around when I’m hanging out with the girls. It’s nice to spend time with just the girls.

Couple dates are fun if everyone is on the same page.

Now we’re talking. Wife is heading to her home town on Sunday (early for CNY). Guess what I have planned for Sunday night? And I definitely won’t be having hot pot for dinner.

I’m trying to think of a catchy acronym for the name of the support group. I’ve got nothing so far.

Edit: 討厭吃火鍋的阿逗仔. No, that’s lame.

I have to be in the mood. It can be fun. But it can also be bland depending on the ingredients. At the end it’s a bit gross when all the oily scum needs to keep getting scraped off the top.

My mom loves it for what it’s worth. It’s her favorite food here when she visits.

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vegetarian shacha sauce is the answer

I like it. But I don’t always feel like having to make food myself when I’m eating out. And you have to spend a bit more to go to one with quality ingredients.

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I’ve worked in an industrial kitchen as a pots and pans washer. The sink water after a couple of hours looks like hot pot, floating lettuce and bobbing meat chunks included.

I could give un limited likes for that quote…

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the group hot pots are a bit weird as i have to tone my eating pace down so as to not appear like a selfish pig.


A support group against hot pot?

You could call it. MALA HAHA

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Now, reverse engineer that acronym so it means something.

Many hot pots are spicy and advertised as MALA hotpot
So if u laugh in its face you get the HAHA