I will go to Kending next month. Who can recommend a good restaurant in Kending? Thanks!
There’s a number of small restaurants on the main street.
They’re all equally overpriced and uninspiring.
I like Chez Papa. They also have a lovely B&B. Say hi to Ruby and Gillou for me.
There are a number of nice restaurants in Kenting; unfortunately, I can’t remember a single name.
I know there’s a “Amy’s ???”; a number of Thai restaurants, and then the ones in the bigger hotels like The Caesar Park (garden BBQ every night at about NT900/head), The Chateau, The Howard Beach Resort and so on. Also, quite a lot of seafood restaurants and beer houses/restaurants/pubs/disco bars on the main street
There’s also a Smokey Joe with some good Mexican food.
Better walk down the main road and give them a try.
Keep in mind that Kenting is crazy over the weekend with tour buses and cars coming in and thousands of people on the street at night that makes it pretty much the same as any nightmarket anywhere else in Taiwan.
I love Kenting, but if you like a bit of peace and quiet, I recommend you go during the week.
There’s also the cool western dude selling Turkish ice cream.
Overall, a nice place, but not cheap.
I used to like Warung Didi but I haven’t been to Kending for many years. Maybe they’re not even there any more.
Even then, the food they sold paled into insignificance compared with the legendary feasts Didi used to prepare at their home at (Western) New Year. You were truly fortunate to get invited to those do’s.
Stay away from Warung Teddy :raspberry: on the main drag. Go instead to the original Warung Didi :bravo:. (Yes, Warung Didi is still there, on a side street.)
Several years ago, Warung Didi was originally where Warung Teddy is now. The landlords got greedy at Warung Didi’s success, and ended their lease, forcing the original restaurant to move. Then the landlords opened Warung Teddy, a copycat business, in the same spot. Do not give those scumbags your business. Instead, go to Warung Didi (who are excellent, and very popular I might add).
[quote=“sandman”]I used to like Warung Didi but I haven’t been to Kending for many years. Maybe they’re not even there any more.
Even then, the food they sold paled into insignificance compared with the legendary feasts Didi used to prepare at their home at (Western) New Year. You were truly fortunate to get invited to those do’s.[/quote]
Warung Didi was still there last time I’ve been (about 3 months ago). Edit But it is in one of the back streets now --> the one nearer to the beach/camping area.
We found that their portions were much smaller than they had led us to believe. Their three-person taco special had barely enough food for one.
Quite often Warung Didi is full up- or there’s a long wait. You could also try Banna Fan Sea Hills which is a couple of doors down from Warung Didi’s.
To find either of these two places just go to the big crossroads (with the entrance to the national park to the north, and the main street going across). You want to head south- past the windchime place and follow the road round (big curve). Banana Fan sea Hills (a truly random name) will be first on your left and Warung Didi’s a few doors down. Both serve Thai food, but I seem to remember that BFSH is more kinda nouveau thai- anyway we had an excellent meal there.
If you go up to Nanwan (the next beach along, back toward Kaoshuing) the guy currently cooking at Farafalla Hotel, Jonathon,(the restaurant/bar used to be called South Bay 88- the hotel is still definately Farafalla) is an excellent cook- he had a stall at spring scream last year. That might be worth checking out too- I’ve no idea what is on their menu, since I haven’t been down since he moved there, but I ate at The surf shack (Henchung) where he was the chef a few months back and he had an excellent Gumbo, some good veggie stuff, but he’s really quite versatile/creative- at spring scream he was making curries…might well be worth a look.
Also in Nanwan the Waves bar and kitchen has excellent house salads and generous portions if you’re craving some high quality western stuff.
Have fun…
god, I wish I was going south this weekend…
Quite often Warung Didi is full up- or there’s a long wait. You could also try Banna Fan Sea Hills which is a couple of doors down from Warung Didi’s.
To find either of these two places just go to the big crossroads (with the entrance to the national park to the north, and the main street going across). You want to head south- past the windchime place and follow the road round (big curve). Banana Fan sea Hills (a truly random name) will be first on your left and Warung Didi’s a few doors down. Both serve Thai food, but I seem to remember that BFSH is more kinda nouveau thai- anyway we had an excellent meal there.
If you go up to Nanwan (the next beach along, back toward Kaoshuing) the guy currently cooking at Farafalla Hotel, Jonathon,(the restaurant/bar used to be called South Bay 88- the hotel is still definately Farafalla) is an excellent cook- he had a stall at spring scream last year. That might be worth checking out too- I’ve no idea what is on their menu, since I haven’t been down since he moved there, but I ate at The surf shack (Henchung) where he was the chef a few months back and he had an excellent Gumbo, some good veggie stuff, but he’s really quite versatile/creative- at spring scream he was making curries…might well be worth a look.
Also in Nanwan the Waves bar and kitchen has excellent house salads and generous portions if you’re craving some high quality western stuff.
Have fun…
god, I wish I was going south this weekend…
Even then, the food they sold paled into insignificance compared with the legendary feasts Didi used to prepare at their home at (Western) New Year. You were truly fortunate to get invited to those do’s.[/quote]
We found that their portions were much smaller than they had led us to believe. Their three-person taco special had barely enough food for one.[/quote]
Groan. Please don’t let Belgian Pie see this thread.
I ate a Didi’d a month or so ago, and found the curry was good, but not especially so, and the chicken salad mediocre. Service was awful though Didi herself tried to make it better.
BTW, the big beach is now open again to the public. The Chateau saw the errors of their ways. Can access it through the campsite off Dawan.
My vote goes to Margaritas, a good selection of snacks, light or substantial meals and salads, free nachos and salsa, plus great mojitoes. Staff is very friendly and if you are a diver you get 10% discount! Just show your dive cert card. Another good place is Terry’s Surf Shack in Hengchun, try his burgers and fish ‘n’ chips.
I am going to Kending this Friday.
Thanks all.
Np,if I go there.
This friday? YOu do know that it’s the busiest weekend in Kending all year? Spring scream, spring wave spring xxxxxx about seven or eight parties at least. It will be really packed.
taipeitimes.com/News/feat/ar … 2003354601 just touches the tip of things really.
I’d definately head out to Nanwan to eat if I were you, or go places before you’re really, really hungry- service will be pretty slow everywhere.
Still it’ll be lots of fun!!!
Does anybody know if the 'Tepee" Bar (on the beach road) ever reopened after it got nailed by a typhoon a couple years back?
Great place to get drunk as a rat, and although they didn’t do food, they always had BBQ fires going, so you could bring yer own and cook.
That’s one place I’d consider fixing up and reopening - use to have great live music, and some interesting characters. Free mushroom shakes too…
[quote=“Baas Babelaas”]Does anybody know if the 'Tepee" Bar (on the beach road) ever reopened after it got nailed by a typhoon a couple years back?
Great place to get drunk as a rat, and although they didn’t do food, they always had BBQ fires going, so you could bring yer own and cook.
That’s one place I’d consider fixing up and reopening - use to have great live music, and some interesting characters. Free mushroom shakes too…[/quote]
Hi, that place is long gone and the space it used to occupy is now used for something else. Another good little bar is Surf Babes it is just down the small road leading to the back of Kenting High St on the right. Across from Starbucks/711 and just up from the Thai Restaurant and Margaritas. Nice comfortable bar, pleasant decorations, surfing theme [ no smoking inside as they also sell clothes, T-shirts etc] but with an outside seating area where you can smoke, staff are easy going and friendly. A bunch ot the old timers that used to run the Teepee place hang out there. They do bar food.
[quote=“kitkat”]This friday? YOu do know that it’s the busiest weekend in Kending all year? Spring scream, spring wave spring xxxxxx about seven or eight parties at least. It will be really packed.
taipeitimes.com/News/feat/ar … 2003354601 just touches the tip of things really.
I’d definately head out to Nanwan to eat if I were you, or go places before you’re really, really hungry- service will be pretty slow everywhere.
Still it’ll be lots of fun!!! [/quote]
Right,Thanks for your suggestion.